
Everyone at some point needs a helping hand, and for me.. well.. I need one constantly! Most of all when it comes to the making of this page. I was so clueless when it came to even REGISTERING my page with Geocities I had to have someone run off, Sign me up, then he sent me my password and username. Hehe *blush*.

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Im proud to say that I can very well register a page with GeoCities if I had to. Thanks Jared, *hugs*! Also a lot of my friends from an IRC chatroom named #cyerwitch, helped me out bunches as well. Most of all Firewolf, Quietwaters ( Because she stood my endless questions about tables hehe ), SevenEagle, Omo, and tons more!! *hugs* to you guys too. I couldn't possibly forget NNitro from #teens_n_Stuff ( another IRC chatroom ), who was always.. and I do mean ALWAYS.. there when I needed help. Also Angel, because of her support and positive outlook I would have probably deleted this page *sorrY!!* months ago.

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To all of you.. thanks bunches! *smooch* to those who want it! :)
The finished masterpiece.. well masterpiece? Hardly, hah hah.. ok.. the semi-finished and semi-masterpiece.. my page, Jupiters Daughter