
Gypsy's Gournal This is one of my favorite pages that I visit daily.. hehe, I'm easy to please. Come check out her page! She has a cool grounal that she writes in everyday andlots more!

Aquaria This page is great. It has wonderful content and an awesome beach layout theme. Check this one out!

Coloring Outside the lines. This page is amazing. As soon as I saw it my mouth dropped open. It's beauitful, the graphics, the layout, and the content! Lindsay did an excellent job on it.

Remembering Seven, another outstanding page! This one is really interesting and the layouts are all wonderful. Well I think so cause I love the color blue and the front one has a lot of that in it... teehee.. ok.. just visit here!!

Not pictured, this page is one of the best! She has so much for you to read, and she's such a wonderful writer.