Epiphany Chalice (73224 bytes) 

Epiphany Community Church

Our Congregation

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The Minister

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Unitarian Universalist Links Page


Maintained by: L.M. Hicks  


Q: Why worship God on Sunday morning?

A: It's good practice for worshipping God the rest of the week... and good practice in joining in religious community.

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At Epiphany Community Church, worship begins with music and a warm welcome.  A hymn, a time of prayer, and a children's homily follow.   Each week, we hear readings from Scripture and from other sources of wisdom, and a sermon is preached. Music, silence, and words all play a part in our worship of God--just as they all play a part in meaningful life outside formal worship.

During the year, we have a number of special services: our Ingathering Service on the Sunday after Labor Day, when members bring back water from the places they visited over the summer, or just from their kitchen sink. The water that is given and blessed that day becomes the water used for baptisms throughout the year.

We are always glad to usher in the Christmas season. Our minister offers a workshop called "Unplug the Christmas Machine" to aid those who want to restore the spirit of the holiday in an age of commercialism. We gather for a Christmas Eve service, but also look forward to Epiphany in early January. After all, this is the holiday which gives us our name. We tell the story of the three wise men visiting the baby Jesus, and consider the ways the Holy is discovered and recognized today.

 We celebrate communion on holidays throughout the year: on World Communion Sunday in October, at the beginning of Advent in November, on Epiphany Sunday in January, at the beginning of Lent, on Easter Sunday, and on Pentecost in May.

 After the worship service, we gather for coffee, juice, and snacks. At Coffee Hour, we get to know one another and greet newcomers to the service that day.

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