A: The same thing we teach our adults!
Adults and children grow in wisdom and knowledge by
worshipping together as well as by studying separately. Children under ten attend
religious education on Sunday morning after beginning in worship with the adults.
Adults attend religious education on various weeknights. Programs are offered
throughout the year.
Participants in our church school learn Bible stories
through creative activities. Arts and crafts as well as story-telling play a big part in
our church school program for the youngest.
As our church school grows and develops, we will
inaugurate a "Faiths across the Street" component for older children. Through
this program, teenagers visit different congregations and learn about the way others
Our religious education program is coordinated with our
worship service. This way, children and adults hear the same lesson on Sunday morning.
Families can discuss their church experience throughout the week. There are "At-Home
Paks" to supplement the church school experience with at-home activities. And each
week, a "Home-Links" question is provided in the order of service so that all
generations have a way to grow together.