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Maintained by: L.M. Hicks  


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Q: What Do You Believe?

A: We believe that "we need not think alike to love alike."

    These words, from Unitarian minister and theologian Francis David, capture the spirit of Unitarian Universalism. Epiphany Community Church, like other UU congregations, has no creed. Members are not required to affirm a doctrinal statement. Instead, we have a sense that the religious journey is a lifelong process of discovery and adventure.

    Our thoughts may be different, but our aim is singular. We are bound by a covenant, which states "In the love of truth and the spirit of Jesus Christ, we unite for the worship of God and the service of humanity." A founder of Unitarianism, William Ellery Channing, stated that practical religion could be summed up as love to God and love to humanity. This is our approach to life, as Jesus said twenty centuries ago: to love God with heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love our neighbor as yourself. We are here to learn to love.