Q: Who is Epiphany Community Church?
A: We are new and we are old; we are many and we are

We are new:
Epiphany Community Church is one of the first Unitarian
Universalist Christian congregations to be founded in this century.
We are old:
The Unitarian and Universalist approaches to Christianity
are ancient.
In the early days of the Christian church, the Unitarians
upheld the unity of God. In this country in the past few centuries, they focused on the
humanity of Jesus rather than on his divinity. They looked to him as a model for human
Also in the early days of the Christian church, the
Universalists upheld that God was Love. They focused on universal salvation, the idea that
God loves humanity so much that no one could be damned to hell eternally.
We are many:
As Unitarian Universalists, our search for truth and
meaning takes us in many different directions. We understand that wisdom is found in all
the world religions, as well as in secular sources.
We are one:
As Christians, we have a unique relationship with Jesus
Christ and the God of the Bible. We worship as Christians, and we hear Scripture each week
in our worship services. We follow a Christian liturgical year, observing Advent,
Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost in their turn. We seek to grow in
likeness to God, and hope that God's Word may be made flesh in us. The practices of
listening to scripture and following the seasons of the Christian year are helpful to us
in our religious journeys. They also give us a common language to discuss all that is
mysterious and unnamable.