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A Message from Captain Grimm!

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a message from captain grimm!

Be excellent to each other and Party on, crew

Captain GrimmThe USS Tempest has been in existence since 1997, five years now. We based the ship on one premise, "Be excellent to each other....and...party on dude." What this means is we ask nothing of the crew. No dues, no reports, no paper work, attendance to events is not even required. To join the Tempest you just ask.

We have been and shall continue to be a social club that is based on Star Trek.

Does this mean Star Trek ONLY... no (sometimes I feel out numbered by the Law and Order and Buffy fans on board). We have had several events and discussions on lists and in person on other subjects. What does Gettysburg, Ren Faire, camping trips or Amusement parks have to do with Star Trek? Nothing, but we have all enjoyed them, and will continue to do so.

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Do you want to host a Tempest event? Go for it. Only thing we ask when hosting a Tempest event is that all Tempest members are invited. If you want to have a party and invite 20 of your friends who happen to also be Tempest members. And you don't want to invite anymore, please have a party. We can't, we shouldn't and we won't tell you that you are not allowed. We ask that you just don't call it a Tempest event. Why? Because the other 60 members of Tempest are not invited.

Some of the events are family orientated, and some are not appropriate for children. Some events have drinking and some events are dry. Depends on who is running them and what they're doing. If you have a concern, ask and we will let you know which are which.

Our only other rule is not bashing other Star Trek clubs or fans at Tempest events. And no politics. That's it, that is all there is to Tempest.

We are just a social club folks, with some members we see once a month, others we hear from once a year. We come from all walks of life, religion and backgrounds. If you want to participate or help in any Tempest event or endeavor, you're welcome to. If not...that's fine too. We have done everything from seeing our friend Mr. Bounocore in all his glory start up the tradition of "The Naked Time" (Which by the way is the name of a Star Trek episode ;-) To all the members of Tempest helping out to make sure friends and family were safe on 09/11/01. We also help out Toys for Tots at Christmas and participate in fund raisers like Mishaps. We also go up to the Pocano's twice a year and shoot at each other and drink and swap war stories after. We have helped Tempest and non Tempest members that were in a jam on more then one occasion. Everything from Job hunting, to getting them a computer, to helping pull together a last minute wedding after caterers canceled.

That's who we are, that's what we do, that's why were out here. And IMHO that's why we are the Biggest Star Trek fan club on the east coast. ;-)

Ok off my soap box now, and please feel free to comment on any of this if you feel that this is not the way it is.

Captain Peter J Grimm.

Star Trek®, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, and Star Trek: Voyager®, are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures and Viaocom registered in the United States Patent and Trademark office. No Infringement or pun intended.

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