Tempest home page


calendar of events photos from past events
mail to a charming redhead
tempest roster links
a message from captain grimm!

Other Ships

USS Renegade Star
A Sci-fi Fan club, and a chapter of the Federation
USS Bounty
ISS California
USS Challenger
USS Hera
USS Hippocrates
USS Integrity
USS Justice
USS Nemesis
USS Northstar
ISS Phoenix
USS Raven
USS Starlord


Research Department
Tempest Library
Google Search in Klingon
Medical Department
Tempest Sickbay
Party Marine's Favorite Site
Captain Pete and the EEH's Favorite Site
Pat O'Brien's
BGEN Tim's Favorite Site
more about the tempest
logs from crew members
sign guestbook
read guestbook


Star Trek

The House of Booze
Includes the Star Trek drinking game for those 21 and over.
Romulan Ale
Attempt at your own risk.
The Transporter Chief
Over 1,600 Trek links
Star Trek: WWW
The Mother of All Star Trek Sites
The Font Pool
Star Trek and Babylon 5 fonts are shareware, freeware and donationware.
Star Trek: Continuum
The Official Star Trek Site


The Battlestar Phoenix page
S A Rudy's Simple Yet Functional Homepage
One of the advantages to designing a site is you get to plug your own homepage.
Szilvia's World
The Spat Cave

Tempest Mailing Lists

Click to subscribe to log9703

This list contains official announcments only - just the facts, ma'am.

Click to subscribe to tempest9703

This list is for personal announcements, discussions, chatter and, you know... stuff...

Star Trek®, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, and Star Trek: Voyager®, are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures and Viaocom registered in the United States Patent and Trademark office. No Infringement or pun intended.

Broken Image or Link? Comment or Suggestion?
Email Karen and Pete about content or Sylvia about the website.