Tempest home page

Calendar of Events

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mail to a charming redhead
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a message from captain grimm!

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Calendar View

Lt. Cmdr. Apathia is still workin' the bugs out of this calendar thing - but so far so cool, eh?

For event information: Captain Pete

If you have an event you'd like added to this calendar or spot an error, please email Lt. Cmdr. Apathia and she'll take care of it.

Updated 19 September 2007

Past years: 2004 * 2003 * 2002 * 2001

Star Trek(r), Star Trek: The Next Generation(r), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine(r), and Star Trek: Voyager(r), are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures and Viaocom registered in the United States Patent and Trademark office. No Infringement or pun intended.

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Email Karen and Pete about content or Sylvia about the website.