Silly stuff? You ask. Now how Dangerous can that be? Sharp wit, a twisted sense of humor, and sarcasm are a must for Dangerous situations. I mean how are you supposed to properly taunt someone if your not prepared. Witty come backs are crucial for getting you in and out of Dangerous situations. Strange Pages On The Web (Yes, even stranger than mine!) ![]() THE BRUNCHING SHUTTLECOCKS Comedy, pure and simple as a hammer to the forebrain. BERT IS EVIL Facts and incriminating photos once and for all proving that Ernie's sidekick is pure evil. SPUMCO CARTOONS The wonderful world of Spumco, home of the Goddamn George Liquor Program. THE CAPTAIN KIRK SING ALONG PAGE Listen William Shatner's version of Mr.Tambourine Man. INSULTING WAVES If your looking for that perfect insult to send to a loved one! SOUND AMERICA This place has got over 11,000 sounds for your listening enjoyment. Lots of movie wav files. THE COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE OF HUMANITY See what other people have posted, and post something yourself! THE NEW MIRSKY.COM "If it isn't Mirsky's, then it isn't the worst!" THE CHURCH OF EUTHANASIA "Save the planet, kill yourself!" REAL ASTROLOGY Bob Brezsny presents... MOVIES Austin Powers, International Man Of Mystery How can you not love this guy when Danger is his middle name? Dr. Evil has gotta be my second favorite bad guy. Watch out, or he might sick his mutant bass on you! This is Mike Meyers best film so far. Bad teeth, bad accent, psycodelic wardrobe and creatively covered up naughty bits, make you laugh 'til you stop. The comic chemistry was right on. For weeks afterward, I was walkin around saying "Yeah baby, Yeah!" DANGER RANK: Four stars. Shagadelic baby! Better Off Dead One of my favorite films of all time. Why you ask? Uh....never you mind! This is a movie that only warped minds can truly appreciate. A very unique brand of comedic story telling that only Savage Steve Holland can pull off. Oh by the way, I love this movie so much, I made a site dedicated to it. So you better click on the link or else! DANGER RANK: Five stars. nuff said. Big Trouble In Little China Plenty of Danger to go around. Lot's of B movie style kung fu sword fighting junk. Very silly. It's a must see. DANGER RANK: Four stars....hey, it's a personal favorite! The Blues Brothers "I hate Illinois Nazis" Caddyshack "I smell varmit poontang!" Gross Pointe Blank An 80s generation type flick. John Cusack rules! Monty Python And The Holy Grail What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? Raising Arizona Just watched it again the other night. Laughed my ass off Real Genius "I think I'll name my first child after you. Dipshit Knight has a nice ring to it." This Is Spinal Tap This movie definitely goes to 11 UHF Badgers? We don't need no stinkin Badgers! BOW DOWN TO JOHN HUGHES Breakfast Club Ferris Bueller's Day Off Pretty In Pink Sixteen Candles Weird Science TV COMEDY Red Dwarf The Kids In The Hall M*A*S*H Absolutely Fabulous The Young Ones Blackadder Ren & Stimpy ![]() Back To Main |