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Danger Girls

Sody Pop

Sody Pop
The grooviest cartoon chick since Betty Boop! Just ask her creators at Spumco.
Dangerous Attributes: She's going out with Jimmy the Idiot Boy.

the other dangergirl

The 5th Element. The strongest being in the universe. Of course it's gonna be a woman!
Dangerous Attributes: Strongest being in the Universe, can beat the shit out of a mangalore, has cool hair.

the other dangergirl

Danger Girl
Yes, there is an acutal commercial brand comic book Danger Girl on the market. Now why did they have to go and make her a blonde?
Dangerous Attributes:Secret agent spy type chick with a gun


Tank Girl
One of the coolest female comic book characters ever!
Dangerous Attributes:Drives a tank, Uses a large variety of weapons, Unique fashion sense, Do NOT piss her off!

She's a wonder!

Wonder Woman
Another fabulous comic book character(and cartoon, and television). This chick has been kicking ass for decades
Dangerous Attributes: Bullet deflecting braclets, the Lasso of Truth, invisible jet, Amazon heritage

Aeon Flux

Aeon Flux
One of the toughest cartoon characters around. Definetly not one for the kiddies!
Dangerous Attributes: Assasin, really mean, tortures men for fun.

Debbie Harry

Debbie Harry
Blondie is one of the coolest punk bands from the late 70s early 80's. Yeah, you heard me...Punk!
Dangerous Attributes: Lead singer in a punk band, fashion risk taker.

Elvira, Mistress of the Dark

Elvira, Mistress Of The Dark
Hostess of late night B rated horror flicks. Queen of the macabre!
Dangerous Attributes: Scary hair, makes it worth watching bad horror flicks

Princess Leia Organa

Princess Leia Organa
We all know the head strong royal from the classic movie Star Wars. Truly a galactic Danger Girl
Dangerous Attributes:Blasts Storm Troopers, pisses off Darth Vadar, kisses her brother.

Dana Scully

Dana Scully
FBI agent from The X-Files. Finally and intelligent attractive female which actually gets to play an equal.
Dangerous Attributes:Carries a gun, cuts open dead bodies, gets abducted by aliens.

Ellen Ripley

Ellen Ripley
One of the all time best female action movie heroine. Her character in Aliens kicks some all mighty alien ass!
Dangerous Attributes: Drives a tank, brow beats marines, uses various assortment of weapons, kicks the queen alien's ass.

Sarah Connor

Sarah Connor
Another fine example of tuff broad kickin some ass in the action flick Terminator II.
Dangerous Attributes: Lots and lots of muscles, beats the shit out of medical staff, blows up building.

Princess Aura

Princess Aura
Daughter of Ming The Merciless from the movie Flash Gordon.
Dangerous Attributes: Playing kissy face with her father's sworn enemy, haves a midget for a pet.


Warrior chick from the movie Willow.
Dangerous Attributes:Sword fighting, turns against her evil mother, kicks Mad Mardigan's ass.


Xena, Warrior Princess
Battle on Xena! Catch her kickin ass on her own show!
Dangerous Attributes: Sword fights, high jumps, hand to hand combat, rides a horse, wears a metal bra
Barbarella, Queen of the Galaxy

She is Queen of the Galaxy in the campy sci-fi movie.
Dangerous Attributes: Hard time keeping her clothes on, carries a laser blaster.
Another naughty comic book femme fatale. She makes Batman look like a fool
Dangrous Attributes: Thief by profession, knocks Batman around every so more than one way.
She's no Punky Brewster! The young lassie from the movie The Professional, has miles of potential.
Dangerous Attributes:Wants to grow up to be an assasin, carries a gun, is 12 years old.
G.I. Jane
Lt. Jordan O'Neil
Navy Seal candidate from the movie G.I. Jane. Anything boys can do, girls can do better!
Dangerous Attributes: Kicks her commander's ass, muscles and more muscles, passes the Navy Seals training.