- A guy leaves you for another guy, and vice versa
- You look frantically for your pencil, only to discover that it was in your hair, hand,etc.
- You lose your car in the parking lot, and it's the only one there.
- You walk out of a bathroom, into a public area, with your skirt tucked into your
panty hose, or toilet paper stuck to your shoes.
- You trip over painted lines on the pavement.
- You don't look where your going, and you run into a pole, and then you apologize to it.
- You see someone waving at you, so you cheerily wave back, only to find out that they were waving at the person behind you.
- Your boyfriend looks better in your lingerie that you do.
- All of your friends, when asked about you, merely say: "Well, he/she has a nice personality.
- When you ask where the bathroom is, and your standing under the sign.
- You come home to find that your parents have moved, and haven't told you where.
- When your younger sibling gets more dates than you do, and he/she is only twelve.
- You leave your purse, wallet, pop can, etc., on the top of your car and drive off.
- Your talking to someone you REALLY like, and you have a huge piece of lettuce stuck between your teeth.
- Your mom starts looking for dates for you.
- Your mom is your date.
- You ask a guy out on a date, and he says he can't, because he has to do his nails.
- A four year old opens a child proof bottle for you.
- You can't remember whether you flushed or not, so you have to go back and check.
- You try to spark a conversation with a phone solicitor
- You put your shoes on, and THEN your pants.
- You walk around the corner, and are frightened by your own shadow.
- Your so bored that you start ironing your underwear.
- Your walking along, talking to somebody, you turn around to find that there not there anymore, and wonder how long you've been talking to air.
- You need to get something in another room, but when you reach that room, you have forgotten what it was that you needed to get.
- The only entertainment you have is doing your laundry.
- Your mom tells you to stop picking your nose in public.
- you fall UP the stairs.
- You have an argument with yourself, and you lose.
- You actually look forward to watching Beverly Hills 90120
- You actually consider dating a 16 yr old while cruising the mall.
- Your so desperate that the only criteria for a male/female is a pulse.
- Your almost convinced that cucumbers are better than men.
- You run out of beer and you find that you have no more friends.
- Your going to college because you have nothing better to do.
- The cute guy/girl you like walks up to you and asks if you could set him up with your "cute friend".
- The closest you'll get to a social life is listening to your friends talk about theirs.
- All the guys/girls you have ever known have always just considered you a nice "buddy".
- You get 2 phone calls a month, Mom, and Dad.
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