Rumble In The Bronx
It looks as though everyone and their dog has jumped on the Jackie Chan bandwagon. He's just pumping out movies like there's no tomorrow. It's getting to the point where if you've seen one, you've seen 'um all. I must admit that it's fun watching that little guy jump around and do his own stunts.
DANGER RANK: Two and a half stars. Doing yer own stunts....can we say Dangerous?
Thelma & Louise
All right all you guys out there just say it...."Oh man, a chick flick". Well shut yer pie hole! There's no better way to bond with a girlfriend then going on a shooting spree. Talk about a couple of risk takers. Too bad they died....and you know what, it was because of all the stupid... *enter male bashing monlogue here*.
DANGER RANK: Three and a half stars. I would've given it four if they had lived.
The Professional
Cool and strange. I must admit that I liked La Femme Nikita better. (maybe 'cause the main character was a chick assasin...go figure). The main complaint is about Gary Oldman's "psycho cop" character. He does that one a lot. I must admit the the little girl Mathilda has some potential Dangerness to her.
DANGER RANK: Two and a half stars. Plenty of blood and shootin.
Brain Dead or Dead Alive
If you've ever seen the movie, then you'll know what I'm talking about when I say "the lawnmower scene"
Interview With The Vampire
Gorgeous men dressed as Vampires, biting each other's necks...OW! Dangerous Baby!
Hey...I liked it.
The Shining
Silence Of The Lambs
Hmmmm, what's for lunch
The Thing
The old one and the John Carpenter remake
A Clockwork Orange
Wearing false eylashes, a cod piece, and beating the crap out of people, Hmmmm...
Human + wood chipper= Danger!
Heavenly Creatures
Watch out for these two Danger Girls.
Shallow Grave
What would you do for a ton of money?
Time Bandits
"Don't touch that! It's evil!"
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Tim Curry as a transvestite. It doesn't get any more Dangerous than that!
Trainspotting web pages are like assholes....everyone's got one.

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