Picture Gallery
This page may take a few minutes to load. Please, Be Patient. These are some pictures of our family. Come back often, since we will be adding more pictures and updating this site periodically.Thanks.
This is the way they are half the time. Ashleigh was only a few days old in this picture. Alexis is a very good big sister.Aren't they adorable?
This is Alexis at Disney world. We took her there for her 1st birthday. This was the only character she wasn't afraid of. She got scared when Pooh try to hold her hand, and that was her favorite character at the time.
Jeff & Alexis... What a duo!If Alexis sees that Jeff is fixing to go ride, she's out the door saying "let's go ride, Daddy". The faster it goes, the more she likes it and if he stops she gets real MAD.
This picture was taken before leaving the hospital after I gave birth to Ashleigh. I know I don't look very good, but come on... I just had a baby.
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