Welcome to our Guestbook!

Joan - 08/27/00 05:53:22
Location: tx
How you find out about us?: :)

I miss you sweety, everytime I get home sick or lonely I come in here to remember that my beautiful sister is right there. GOD BLESS

Lianne - 05/05/00 19:23:50
My URL:http://www.lsw1.com
My Email:domains@lsw1.com
How you find out about us?: word of mouth

Great job for a newbie! Congratulations on a beautiful family!

Jane - 04/09/00 04:29:24
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~janeha
My Email:janechopra@hotmail.com
Location: Australia
How you find out about us?: Search engine

Hi, I looked at all your pages and they are really wonderful! You are so lucky, all of you. I will come and visit again soon. And congratulations on a wonderful website!

Melissa - 03/29/00 23:49:53
My Email:midgie_dawn@yahoo.com
Location: New Mexico
How you find out about us?: Met through your cousin jon

YOu are Beautiful and so are your girls. You are a very lucky woman. Be happy.

Tawny (Jonathans Friend) - 03/24/00 18:53:55
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/tawnyzpage
My Email:pinktommygurl@teen.com
Location: Iowa
How you find out about us?: lol from Jonathan

aww ur little girls are so cute!! i was just talking to jonathan so i came here. see ya later!

Kimberly - 02/21/00 05:12:23
My URL:http://hooyah.cjb.net
My Email:kimberlyarthur@usaf.org
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
How you find out about us?: I really don't know!

Hello!! You have a great web site! keep up the wonderful work!

Trisha aka Teacups - 02/06/00 13:28:47
My URL:http://dsignbyteacups.com
Location: Singapore
How you find out about us?: GeoCities


Hiya and Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours. I've enjoyed my visit here and I hope that whenever you have the time you'll come by to my place.
Sincerely yours,
Trisha Ratna M.Ali

click here to visit me!

faith - 01/31/00 18:17:26
My Email:nsyncgirl_2001@yahoo
Location: my house your house
How you find out about us?: you know where to find me

Giselle, you did a good job. i like the picture of you and the girls. love you and the girls.

Eugenia - 01/30/00 01:59:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Forest/4203
My Email:eugeniadenise@hotmail.com
Location: Mississippi
How you find out about us?: you signed my guestbook

Hi there! Thanks so much for signing my guestbook and inviting me to your wonderful homepage! I have enjoyed my visit; you have such a nicely laid out page, and your kids are so cute! :o) Take care, Eugenia

Shelley - 01/30/00 00:30:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Canyon/4372
My Email:Sullyfamily@aol.com
Location: Guam
How you find out about us?: You signed my GB :o)

Hi there! You signed my guestbook not to long ago and I cant remember if I signed yours when I came to visit.. Im sorry it took me this long to sign it :o).. Anyway, I think youve built such a lovely home here on the web and your family is beautiful.. I l ve your kids pages :o) Your kids and my kids have a lot in common *S*.. Well take care and thanks for the kind words in my guestbook. ~Shelley~ Heartland CL

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