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Ashleigh's Room

      Hello, My name is Ashleigh Gill. I am 10 months old and counting.
       I crawl, and get in a lot of trouble, trying to grab everything within reach. I  walk hanging on to the sofa, and I get around. I'll get the hang of it eventually. I don't have any teeth yet, but I'm working on it. The pain is really bad. That don't keep me from eating crackers, I love them.
        I have big sister, her name is Alexis. I love it when we play together. When I first got here she used to be rough with me, not anymore. She's always kissing on me and hugging me. I love her so much.
        We have a Puppy. His name is Buddy, I'm scared of him. I know he won't bite me, but I still don't like him very near. I always watch him closely.I love watching movies, specially cartoon movies. I also love to play Pat-A-Cake and Peek-A-Boo with my mommy.  Hope you come back and see me soon.
                 Love, Ashleigh

Ashleigh Gill
Mommy's Little Angel!


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