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Alexis Room

Pooh Line

   Hello, My name is Alexis Gill. I am 2 years old, sometimes mommy & daddy tell me " I think I'm 20".
    I have many things going on in my life at this time. "Just can't quite get this potty thing down". I tried doing it like daddy but it don't work.
     I have a little sister that drives me crazy sometimes. She pulls my hair, takes my toys, and screams loud too but she's my "Sissi" and I love her dearly. I love to listen to Britney Spears (you drive me crazy) everytime we get in the truck thats all I want to listen to. Lately I've been getting in lots of trouble, I get in my room and make a big mess... Mommy don't like that very much. But, hey, that's what us kids are supposed to do isn't? I love watching A Bug's Life and Antz... I can watch them over and over, and believe me somedays I do just that. I also love Blues Clues, but who doesn't love that cute puppy.
       There are three things I do on an everyday basis:
1. Ride 4-wheeler with daddy.
2. Put my puzzles together.
3. Play with my puppy Buddy.
This is life as I see it. Everywhere I go, Buddy goes. Everywhere daddy goes, I go. Life is simple.
                        Love, Alexis


Alexis Gill
Daddy's Little Girl!


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Blues Clues, Franklin, Games etc...

Help Save Blues Clues

Nick Jr.


Coloring Book


My cousin Dillon's page, info about autism
Britt's Blues Clues Puppy Place

I got this just for signing their guestbook. They have really neat games there, so stop by and have fun.

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