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Welcome To Buddy's Bowl

Hello everyone. My name is Buddy Gill. I'm a two months old, Toy Poodle.
I love to play with my two little sisters Alexis & Ashleigh. Sometimes Alexis likes to play to rough and when mommy catches her, she gets in trouble. Ashleigh is a bit scared of me, she likes to watch me but she cries when I get too close to her. That's okay because she's still a baby just like me.
I am so proud of myself. I finally learned how to go up and down the stairs all by myself. I also have another reason to have a big head.The world renowned dog psychologist Stanley Coren ranks the poodle the second most intelligent dog out of 75 different breeds in his  book  "The Intelligence Of Dogs".
Hopefully my mommy will get pictures of me by the next time you come and visit... I told her to go get the film developed but she hasn't.

Biscuits Recipe

Recipe For Homebaked Dog Biscuits:
Heat oven at 350 degrees
In a bowl mix the following ingredients:
2-1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup powdered milk
1tsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt
8 tbsp. melted butter
1 egg
1/2 cup of cold water
1 boullion cube- crumbled into water
roll to approx. 1/2 inch thickness and cut into desired shapes, place on greased baking sheet. Bake for approx. 35 minutes, let cool for 15 minutes.

My Thoughts

I thank God everyday that my mommy and daddy provides a good home for me, and my sisters treat me real good. But, not all of us pets are as fortunate as I am. There are lots of animals mistreated every single day. Sometimes the owners can't take care of them and abandoned them out in the streets; then they reproduce and all those animals end up in a shelter. Most of them have to be put to sleep because there is not enough room. Isn't this sad?  Other times the owners keep them  and treat them in negligent ways, not feeding them, chaining them out in the rain, locking them up in small cages. I think this is outrageous. Why don't instead they try to find them a good home?
Another cause of abuse are experiments done on animals, I understand some of these are to save human lives.  What I don't understand is why destroy a life to save another one? How can an animal give any kind of accurate results, on a new medicine or test? Please, do not let another animal get mistreated or be put to sleep. And DON"T FORGET, make your next pet and adopted pet from your local shelter.

I support the spay-neuter campaign
help animals

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Help prevent cruelty to animals, Pet care tips for all pets.

First Aid Tips For Dogs

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