Who's Mingo?
Mingo is a white Manx cat that Steve and I adopted while living in Flower Mound, Texas. She is named after the Mingo railroad siding located near Denton, Texas. Ming is about seven years old.
Why Mingo's Corner? I stitch in a corner of our master bedroom. There I have a comfortable high-backed chair, my needlework books, good lighting, and other necessities. Mingo can often be found in the corner behind my chair. Being a cat, of course it's "her" corner, not mine!
Mingo has a sister:
Norfolk, who is eleven.
And they both now have an "adopted" brother, Tuesday. He's a stray that starting visiting us at our home in Nashville, IN. We haven't petted him as yet, but he's a regular visitor and is starting to trust us fairly well. He hangs out on our deck and has a shelter there for inclement weather.
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