Needlework Gallery


Completed works have been catagorized to decrease loading time for 
the images. Click on the thumbnail image to see a larger, clearer image 
of the work, as well as designer information and other details.
(updated 1/30/2005)
(updated 10/28/2004)
Cross Stitch
(updated 3/10/05)
 Drawn Thread
(updated 2/5/2004)
Needlework Smalls 
(updated 1/30/05)
 Mail Art
(updated 7/11/05)

  In the works
(updated 1/30/2005)
(updated 8/14/2003)
  Sampler Verses
(additions 3/28/2003)
  Personal Story
(new material added 8/14/03)
  Who's Mingo?
(new photo added 8/17/03)




Home/In the Works/Gallery/Who's Mingo?/Links/Sampler Verses/Personal Story/
Mom's Brag Page/E-mail