Needlework Links


Bulletin Boards

Xstitch Buddies - Features bulletin boards, links, stitch-alongs, a chat room, and wonderful people!

Teresa Wentzler Bulletin Board - Bulletin boards about Wentzler"s designs, stitch-alongs for her designs, 
and general boards for other projects and questions. Really knowledgeable stitchers here!



Drawn Thread

Graphs by Barbara and Cheryl - Detailed garden and old city scenes, perfect for stitching over-one, 
or for those who don't like partial stitches!

Liz Turner Diehl - Designer of the "Historical Gardens" Series.

Mirabilia Designs - home of Nora Corbett designs

Teresa Wentzler

Told in a Garden - home of Lavendar and Lace designer, Marilyn Leavitt-Imblum

Victoria Sampler - Thea Dueck's designs


Freebie Sites

Blank graph paper generator - In various sizes and counts.  

Needle Necessities 

Victoria Sampler  - Thea Dueck's site - freebies are available to VS Club members (simple registration
of e-mail address.  Worthwhile.)

Rainbow Gallery - Free charts for cross stitch, counted needlepoint, plastic canvas, blackwork 
and hardanger.

Tom Pudding (UK site) - Free charts with an extensive archive of listings.  Also a selection of 
bands for band samplers.


Exemplar Gallery - homepage of Ellen Chester, a very accomplished needlewoman. Includes images of 
samplers she has stitched and original designs

Mickey's Cross Stitch and Needlework Resources - Very extensive list of needlework links. Worth a visit!

Sweet Stitches Home - homepage of Laurie Morrison with several finished pieces.


How-To Pages - with directions on stitches, lacing, etc.

Buddies Lacing Page - instructions for lacing finished projects.

Classic Stitches - online stitch guide for ALL types of needlework. Need directions for the "Pekinese Stitch"? 
Look here!


Mail Order/On-line Viewing

Artisan Designs - Home of the Elan and Gazelle needlework frames

Hard-to-Find Needlework Books - I haven't ordered from here, but I've got a wish list that's extensive.

Hoffman Distributors - Wholesale distributor. Hundreds of images of new charts, kits, and designer information

Scarlet Letter - Offers reproductions of samplers in both cotton and silk kits. Wonderful collection.

Wyndham Needleworks - Retail site featuring many well-known, and not so well-known designers, 
including Indigo Rose designs



Amy Bunger/Marjorie Hunter (Demarj) - a great needlepoint duo. Amy designs the stitch-guides
for Demarj canvases. Fun to stitch and beautiful when completed.  Order from: Amy's Golden Strand
Susan Portra Designs - A very talented counted needlepoint designer.


Retail Shops

Fancy Stitches - Located in Cleburne, TX. They do great needlepoint finishing work and have a great 
selection of needlepoint canvases.

The Finishing Touch - If you like the style of my pieces, you'll like this shop located in Louisville, KY.

Stitching Memories - A great shop located in Corydon, IN.  Friendly and helpful staff.

The Stitchin' Post - Located in Plano, TX. Great source for Hardanger and drawn thread designs, tools, 
advice, and materials.

Ultra Style Designs - They stock ultra-suede fabric, in small pieces and all colors for finishing.



Graphics and Other Links

Steve's Ultracycling Page - Homepage of my husband, Steve Marshall


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Mom's Brag Page/E-mail