Academy of Excellence
(the working name for our homeschool -
Kate's suggestion was the Marshall Magic School House!)
Where are we now? Australia!
We homeschool year around, but the intention was to "lighten up" a bit over the summer. We
did not finish our "gallop" before our kindergarten year ended in May. We jointly agreed
that we were still having fun, so we'll gallop through the summer. We'll also keep Kate's
reading and math skills current, using our library's summer reading program and some
living math ideas.
Meanwhile, we're also doing Apologia Elementary Astronomy - "Because science is so much
fun, Mom!" - and some early biology studies to fit with our classical schedule. Some biology
projects just need summertime.
Finally (!), we're doing some explorations in foreign languages, starting with Spanish. I'm
using a hodge-podge of materials for this, but essentially a daily-life phrase book and some
online worksheets and samples.
Where have we been while Galloping the Globe?
Asia - China, Korea, Japan, India, Israel, Russia
Europe - Sweden, France, Holland, Italy, Spain, Germany, U.K.
Polar Regions
North America
South America
How to Start Galloping
The question most often asked about Galloping the Globe centers on how deep into the country
being studied does one delve? GtG itself seems to focus primarily on contemporary culture, with
a small amount of historical materials brought into the understanding of the country, particularly
through biographies.
One could certainly go into more depth with the history of any given country. Or one could
use GtG along with a more in-depth history study and "park" in those countries which
correspond to the historical period in which you are working.
It depends on what your goals are for your grade level and the program. As we are using
GtG for kindergarten, I have tried to focus on basic map reading, general geography knowledge,
and worldwide cultural awareness. Anything beyond that is extra for us.
There is a link below to my e-mail. Please contact me if you have questions!
Galloping the Globe - link to the Yahoo! Group for Galloping the Globe. A great resource!
Homeschooling in Indiana - Indiana Association of Home Educators
HSLDA - Homeschool Legal Defense Association
The Well-Trained Mind - homepage of Susan Wise Bauer and her classical theory
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