Page Généalogique de Karen

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J'ai consacré beaucoup de temps à la recherche des familles Steel et Truchon. Il y a des
pages consacrées à chacune des familles auxquelles
vous pouvez accéder en utilisant les "links" au bas. J'ai aussi ajouté des pages
concernant les liens de parenté avec les familles Larkin et Beach. J'ai essayé d'inclure des
renseignements acquis de documents d'histoires familiales, et mes propres recherches. J'ai
ajouté au site un album photo. Tout ajout ou correction sont les bienvenus. Et n'oubliez
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 Mon Arbre Généalogique
The links below will take you to pages on this site related to the different branches of my family tree.
 La Famille Larkin-Meath, Irlande
The family came to the U.S. from County Meath in the early 1890s. It is believed that they left from County Cork for trip across the Atlantic Related families: Farrell
Other locations: Castletown and Rathmoylon, County Meath
 La Famille Beach-Chester et Enfield, Angleterre
The family came to the U.S. from England in the 1890s. Related families: Cheadle, Gitton, Gitten, Morgan
Other locations: Fredericton, New Brunswick; Badger, Shropshire
 La Famille Steel-Auchterarder et Dundee, Écosse
The family came to the U.S. from Scotland in the early 20th century. Related families: Maxwell, Scotland, Kempy, Young, Drummond
Other locations: Blackford, Glasgow, and Fowlis Wester, Scotland
 La Famille Truchon-Québec
The Truchon family came to the U.S. in the 1890s. The Truchon family came New France in the late 17th century. Related families: Imbault, Bouchard, Boivin, Sirouer
Other locations: Baie-Saint-Paul and Matane, Québec; Nantes, Haute-Bretagne, France
 La Famille Roy-Dorchester, Québec
The family came to the U.S. from Québec in the late 1880s. Related families: Blais, Beaudoin, Boule(t),LeMaître
Other locations: Saint Rémy de Dieppe, Normandy, France
 La Famille Maxwell-Dundee, Écosse
The family came to the U.S. from Scotland in the early 19th century. Related families: Angus, Lowson, Armstrong
Other locations:
 La Famille Mulhall-Connecticut et quelque parte en Irlande
Related families: Dufficy, Bergan
Other locations: Middletown, Meriden, and Portland, Connecticut; Rutland, Vermont
 La Famille Weed-Connecticut
The Weed family history in the U.S. dates back to the Colonial period. Related families: Jennings
Other locations: Stamford and Darien, Connecticut, USA
 La Famille Partrick-Connecticut
The Partrick family history in the U.S. dates back to the Colonial period. Related families: Folliett
Other locations:Westport, Connecticut, USA

Carte du Site
Table des matières This page contains a complete listing of all the pages on this site.
Remerciements et sources All of the sources consulted for information in creating the family histories.
Mes mystères et maux de tête Some missing people and a few odds and ends that could use some illumination.
Autres sites mes préférés Internet sites that I've found useful over the years. Some of my favorites, maybe yours too!
Mon Album Photo Take a stroll down memory lane. Loads of old family photos to browse.
L'ancien livre
de visiteurs Deja vu? Maybe you've been here before! Check the old guestbook to see!
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View the Current Guestbook See who else has stopped by my site. Maybe you'll find a relative or two.
Books I Own Need a look-up? Check out the list of stuff I've accumulated. Under construction.
My Hometown Come take a look at the town I was born in...Under construction.
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With special thanks to Marie Côté.
Last update: March, 2005. Copyright 1999-2005.