I have recently begun researching the Weed Family in an effort to complete a Family Tree for my one and only best buddy, my nephew Andy. I have a rather full ancestry for him on his Mom's (my sister) side of family, but have much left to do on his Dad's family.
It's been rather fun for me researching these lines because they are local and have wonderful historic connections to places that are close to home-a new experience in genealogy for me!
As I am local to the areas where these folks lived, I would be available to help anyone who needs access to local resources.
Andy's Weed Genealogy
A Work in Progress
The Weed family can be traced back to the very first Jonas Weed (c. 1600-c.1676), one of the original founders of Stamford. I have been able to trace this line of the family back to that first Jonas, and will soon be working to include that information on
this page. Much revising waiting to be done!
Generation One, Jonas Weed and Mary
Jonas Weed was born between 1598 and 1610 in England, and died before June 5, 1676 in Stamford, CT. He married Mary, family name is unknown, about 1637 in Wethersfield, Hartford County, CT. She was born about 1604, and died before March 10, 1689/90 in Stamford, CT. The
couple were parents to nine children.
Generation Two, Jonas Weed and Bethia Holly
Generation Three, Jonas Weed and Sarah Waterbury
Jonas Weed was born in Stamford on July 26, 1678. He married Sarah Waterbury on January 20, 1703/04 in Noroton Corners, Stamford, CT. She was the daughter of David Waterbury and Sarah Newman. Sarah was born January 10, 1684/85 in Stamford, CT.
Jonas and Sarah were parents to eleven children. Sarah died on February 5, 1726/27 in Stamford, CT.
Jonas married Rebecca Scudder March 26,1729. Rebecca was the daughter of Jonathan Scudder and Sarah Brown. She was born around or about 1687 in Huntington, Long Island, NY. Jonas and Rebecca were parents to one child, a daughter, Hannah. Rebecca died after 1734.
Jonas died October24,1753 in Stamford, CT. He was buried in Weed Cemetery on the Post Road in Darien, CT.
Generation Four, Silvanus Weed and Sarah Waring
Silvanus Weed was born in November of 1713 in Stamford, CT. He married Sarah Waring around or about 1740, daughter of Michael Waring and Rebecca Scudder. She was born on February 12, 1721/22 in Stamford, CT.
Silvanus and Sarah were parents to seven children. Silvanus died after 1784.
 Photo of twin sisters, Rebecca (right) and Abigail Brown (left), 1849.
Generation Five, Jonas Weed and Rebecca Brown
Jonas Weed was born in Stamford on June 28, 1749. He married Rebecca Brown (pictured above) around or about 1778. She was the daughter of David Brown and Rebecca Slason. Jonas and Rebecca were parents to five children. According to family stories, Rebecca was in the First Congregational Church (Middlesex
Ecclesiastical Society) on July 22, 1781 when it was raided by Tories. On that day, the Reverend Mather along with approximately fifty other men of the congregation were taken prisoners and sent to a Provost prison on Long Island.
Some of the men never returned. The poem, Descent on Middlesex by Peter St. John makes mention of a Jonas Weed among the men captured and later released by the British:
"In seven days or thereabout One Jonas Weed was taken out,
And to his friends he was resign'd But many still were left behind."
I am not certain if the Jonas Weed mentioned in the poem is, in fact, the same Jonas who married Rebecca Brown, but it does seem a likely possibility. For more information on the Descent on Middlesex, click here. Jonas died in 1822 and Rebecca married Henry Weed, also of Darien. She died in
Darien on November 23, 1860 of "old age" at 93 years.
Generation Six, Jonas Weed Jr. and Ruth Weed
Jonas and Ruth-the missing links in the Weed lineage! Finding the link between Jarvis Weed (below) and the rest of the Weed family proved to be quite difficult. After checking numerous sources, the missing piece to the
puzzle was uncovered in going through the land records for the town of Darien, CT. A quit claim deed dated April 25, 1849 filed by Alfred and Elizabeth Raymond to Rebecca Weed, wife of Henry
contains the following reference, "by Jarvis Weed to his sister Elizabeth Weed now Elizabeth Raymond of Norwalk." A check of vital records in Norwalk for the death certificate of Elizabeth Raymond included her parents' names-Jonas Weed and Ruth Weed. A further check of the 1850 Census of
Norwalk shows the Raymonds living in the same house with Ruth Weed, then aged 61, and Louisa Weed, aged 21. Additionally, Louisa A. Weed was a witness to the aforementioned quit claim deed.

Jonas Weed, Jr. was born around or about 1779. He married Ruth Weed, the daughter of John Weed and Hannah Knapp. Ruth was born in 1784 and died in 1863. Ruth and Jonas were parents to at least four children: Jarvis (abt. 1804-1865), Harriet (1807-1846), Elizabeth (abt. 1815-1885), and Lousia (1828-1882).
Generation Seven, Jarvis Weed and Susan Jennings
Jarvis Weed (born abt. 1804) of Darien married Susan Jennings (born abt. 1804) on December 31, 1832. Their marriage is listed in the records of the First Congregtional Church of Darien, though it was not recorded in the town clerk's office. Jarvis and Susan Weed were parents to eight children: Theodore (abt.1834-1852), Henry Jarvis (abt. 1836-1865), Susan Ann (abt. 1836-1907), Isaac (abt. 1839-?), Mary Harrison (abt. 1840-? married name Hoyt), Joanna (abt. 1841-? married name Penfield), Raymond (abt.1842-?), and Harriet (abt. 1846-? married name Waterbury). On June 3, 1834 both Jarvis Weed and his son, Theodore, were baptised at Saint John's Episcopal Church in Stamford. These are the only two church
baptismal records I have been able to find for this family at present.
According to information provided by the Darien Historical Society, "Jarvis Weed was deeded their home on Middlesex Road by Rebecca and Henry Weed, but by 1840 was declared
insolvent and lost all his real and personal property."
Susan Weed died in 1859. Jarvis died in 1865 of sunstroke and is buried in Norwalk Union Cemetery. Following his death an inventory of his estate was filed in probate court in Stamford. For a transcription of the estate of Jarvis Weed click here.
Generation Eight, Henry Weed and Louisa Partrick
Henry Jarvis Weed married Louisa Lemar Partrick in Norwalk on December 30, 1863. The two were married by the Reverend William Cooper Mead, rector of Saint Paul Episcopal Church, Norwalk. The marriage record indicates that Henry's residence at that time was in Wilton. Louisa was the daughter of Harry Partrick (1809-12/24/1865) and his wife Betsey Folliett (Barnes?) (1803-12/21/1879) of Norwalk . Louisa was born on March 31, 1841 in Norwalk. Louisa was the youngest of three children, Susan Partrick was born about 1836 and Harriet about 1839.
A search of Civil War records does not indicate that Henry Weed served during the war. Henry J. Weed died in Darien on July 23, 1865 of consumption. He also was buried in Norwalk Union cemetery.
The only surviving child of Henry and Louisa Weed is their son, Edward Raymond Weed, born on April 18, 1865 in Norwalk. In 1866 Louisa Weed, as sole living parent, petitioned the court in Norwalk to be named legal guardian for her minor son, Edward . On August 7 of the same year, Louisa sold a parcel of land belonging to Edward to Susan Ann, Mary Harrison, Joanne, and Harriet Weed, the sisters of Henry Weed, for the sum of 333 and a third dollars. The property was described as being bounded on the north and east by the land of Edward Scofield, on the south by the highway (the Post Road), and on the west by the land of Lewis Waterbury II.
In the 1870 census Louisa and Edward were living with her sister, Harriet, and another female (the census says Cynthia, but most likely it was Betsey, her mother) Partrick relative. Louisa Weed died in Norwalk on March 8, 1928 and is buried in Norwalk Union Cemetery along with her husband, Henry, and her parents.
Generation Nine, Edward and Ella Buckman (or Bucknam)
In approximately 1888 Edward Weed married Ella Williams Buckman (1/19/1865-8/15/1959 ) daughter of Richard Buckman and Mary A. Cleveland . Edward worked as a milk dealer. Census information on the Weed children is conflicting. The 1900 census shows Edward and Ellen living with Louisa and having children Edna (April 1893) and Earl (May 1895). The 1910 census lists the Weed children as Edna, aged 17, Henry, aged 14, and Richard E., aged 7. In 1920, Earl H.,aged 24, and Elmer R., aged 18 are the only children living in the Weed home. It is likely that Richard and Elmer are the same individual. Henry Earl or Earl Henry (1895-1962) married Mary Frances Cullen (1890-1964). Edward, Ella, Henry, and Mary Frances are also buried in the Weed family plot of Norwalk Union Cemetery.
Generation Ten, Elmer Weed and Ruth Mansfield
On January 20, 1921 Elmer married Ruth Mansfield in Norwalk. The marriage was performed by the Reverend George B. Thompkins. Ruth was the daughter of Walter Mansfield (born abt. 1848, possibly in Chelteham, Gloucestershire, England ) and Cynthia Jane Whitney (born abt. 1875, daughter of Levi and Phila Jane Whitney, Putnam County, New York ). By the time of the 1930 census the couple had 4 children-Ruth, Earl, Margie, and Shirley.
Sources Consulted
Weed family headstone, Norwalk Union Cemetery.
The Civil War Compiled Military Service Records taken from records housed in the National Archives, each record provides the soldier's name, company, and unit. Also, Civil War Pension Index kept by the National Archives.
Land Records, Town of Darien, CT
Probate records, City of Norwalk, CT
Land records, Town of Darien, CT
Vital Records, City of Norwalk, CT.
Barbour Records for Norwalk, CT.
1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 U.S. Census
