Books I Own

Over the years I've managed to collect an assortment of books, both bound and on
CD-ROM, that have helped me with my genealogical research. I am more than happy to do look-ups to assist other researchers, particularly because I've been helped in my own research by so many
kind individuals. Feel free to email me if I can help you by using any of the resources below. Please remember that I must respect copyrights where they apply.

Austen, Barbara E. and Barbara D. Bryan. Images of America: Fairfield, Connecticut. (Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 1997).
Barber, John Warner. Connecticut Historical Collections (Storrs, CT: Bibliopola Press, 1999).
Buel, Joy Day and Richard Buel, Jr. The Way of Duty: A Woman and Her Family in Revolutionary America (New York: W.W. Norton Co., 1984). The story of Mary Fish of Fairfield.
Case, Henry J. and Simon W. Cooper. Town of Darien: Founded 1641 Incorporated 1820. (Rahway, NJ: Quinn & Boden Co., 1935).
Connecticut Chamber of Commerce. Facts About Connecticut (Hartford, CT: Chamber of Commerce, 1929).
Cruson, Daniel. Images of America: Redding and Easton. (Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2000).
Danenberg, Elsie N. Naval History of Fairfield County Men in the Revolution (Fairfield, CT: Fairfield Historical Society, 1977).
Gagné, Peter J. Links to Your Connecticut Past. (Pawtucket, RI: Quintin Publications, 2002).
Halstead, Vera Colton. The Story of Flatt Ridge, Darien (New Canaan, CT, 1949).
Haslam, Patricia L. Richard Patrick or Partrick of Norwalk, Connecticut and Some of His Descendants (Barre, Vermont: Northlight Studio Press, 1978).
Huntington, E.B. History Of Stamford, Connecticut: 1641-1868, Including Darien Until 1820.(Reprint: May 1992 )
Jenkins, Stephen. The Old Boston Post Road. (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1913).
Lacey, Charlotte A. Ye Olde Towne of Fairfield (Connecticut Terrentenary) (Fairfield, CT: Fairfield Publishing, 1935).
McLean, Louise H., Darien Historical Sketches. (Essex, Connecticut: Pequot Press, 1970).
Partridge, Helen. Easton: Its History. (Collinsville, CT: Lithographics, Inc. 1972).
Spies, Francis F. Easton, Fairfield County, CT. Inscriptions From the Gravestone with Genealogical Notes and Index. (Salem, Massachusetts: Higginson Books, 1934).
Tuttle, Sam. Picture Book of Old Connecticut (Scotia, NY: Americana Review, 1979).
Wilmes, Debra F. The Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records: Norwalk and Norwich (Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing, 2000).
Catholic Church Records, Dorchester County, Québec: St. Anselme; St. Hénédine; Ste. Marguerite; St. Maxime. (Pawtucket, Rhode Island: Quintin Publications, 2001).
Gagné, Peter J. Before the King's Daughters: The Filles a Marier, 1634-1662 (Pawtucket, Rhode Island: Quintin Publications, 2002).
Rimouski Diocese, Québec, Catholic Church Marriages, 1702-1902.
(Pawtucket, Rhode Island: Quintin Publications, 2000).
Talbot, Eloi-Gerard, Beauce, Dorchester, and Frontenac Counties, Catholic Church Marriages, 1625-1946. (Pawtucket, Rhode Island: Quintin Publications, 2000).

Cumming, Rev. Harry. 10 Years in Auchterarder, 1934-1944
(Auchterarder: A.D. Garrie & Son, 1983).
Cumming, Rev. Harry. Churches of Auchterarder Past and Present (Auchterarder: A.D. Garrie & Son, 1984).
Gordon, T. Crouther. Beautiful Pitlochry (Pitlochry, Scotland: L. Mackay, 1955).
Liddell, Colin. Pitlochry: Heritage of a Highland District. (Perth and Kinross District Libraries, 1993).
Macintosh, Joan. Auchterarder in Old Picture Postcards,Volume 1 (Zaltbommel, Netherlands: European Library, 1998).
Macintosh, Joan. Auchterarder in Old Picture Postcards,Volume 2 (Zaltbommel, Netherlands: European Library, 1996)
Mitchell, Alison, editor. North Perthshire Monumental Inscriptions, Pre 1855, Volume 1
Murray, Norman. The Scottish Hand Loom Weavers, 1790-1850 (Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers, 1978).
Reid, A. G., Annals of Auchterarder and Memorials of Strathearn (Perthshire, Scotland: Perth and Kinross District Library, 1989).
Watson, Angus, The Ochils: Placenames, History, Traditions (Perthshire, Scotland: Perth and Kinross District Library, 1995).
Young, Alex F. Old Auchterarder, Blackford and Braco (Ayrshire: Stenlake, 2003).

Pritchard, Michael. A Directory of London Photographers, 1841-1908 (Hertfordshire: PhotoResearch, 1994).
Reboul, Percy and John Heatherfield. Britain in Old Photographs: London Borough of Barnet Past & Present (Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing, 1997).
Census records on CD-ROM
The 1880 United States Census. (Transcribed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2001).
The 1881 British Census. Crown Copyright. (Transcribed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1999).
The 1881 Canadian Census. (Transcribed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2002).
1851 United Kingdom (Family Tree Maker) A partial listing of that census.