
I would like to thank the following individuals who have been key in helping me
create this site:
- Peter Gagné, Connecticut, USA, for translations and html assistance.
- Joyce Stewart, Perthshire, Scotland, for beautiful photos of Auchterarder.
- George Steel, Scotland, for finding and photographing monuments and scenery in Auchterarder.
- John Roberts, Wales for photos and information on Arnold House and Llanddulas, Denbighshire.
- Margaret Purcell, Lancashire, England for sharing research, photos, and information.
- Réjean Roy, Québec, for researching and sharing information on the mysterious Roy family.
- Richard Truchon, New Hampshire, USA, for helping to put names on all those faces.
- Marie Côté, Connecticut and Québec, for helping with English to French translations.
- Doug Shaw, Chester, England, for photos from Overleigh Cemetery.
- Diana McCord, for sharing photos from her family collection.
- Grant Orrock, Dundee, for photos from Eastern Cemetery.

Here is a list of the sources used in finding the information contained on this web site.
Those held by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:
- Film #0569725 The Church of England, Parish of Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England.
- Film #2568853 The Church of England, Parish of Monken Hadley, Middlesex, England
- Film #1655539 The Church of England, Parish of Saint Mary on the Hill, Chester, Chesire, England.
- Film #0438772 The 1841 Census of Enfield, Middlesex, England.
- Film #0193611 The 1851 Census of Enfield, Middlesex, England.
- Film #0542702 The 1861 Census of Enfield, Middlesex, England.
- Film #0828287 The 1871 Census of Enfield, Middlesex, England.
- Film #0473984 Registre Général des Naissances dans L'Isle de Guernsey, Guernsey, Channel Islands.
- Film #1885411 Marriage Licenses, Chester, Cheshire, England, 1856-1878.
- Film #1242471 Soundex for the 1900 Census of Connecticut, USA.
- Film #1240136 The 1900 Census of Hartford, Connecticut, USA, Districts 133-150.
- Film #1403299 Vital Records of Meriden, Connecticut, USA.
- Film #0003072 The 1850 Census, Middlesex County, Connecticut, USA.
- Film #1041978 The Church of Scotland, Kirk Session records, Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland.
- Films #1293149-1293151 Registres paroissiaux, Saint Étienne de la Malbaie, La Malbaie, Québec.
- Films #1293160-1293161 Registres paroissiaux, Saint Pierre et Saint Paul, Baie Saint Paul, Québec.
- Film #1689542 Registres paroissiaux, Saint Jérôme de Matane, Matane, Québec.
- Film #0993515 The Church of Scotland, Kirk Session records, Auchterarder, Perthshire, Scotland.
- Film #304659 The Church of Scotland, Auchterarder Register of Mortality, Auchterarder, Perthshire.
- Film #1042690 The 1841 Census of Auchterarder, Perthshire, Scotland.
- Film #1042260 The 1851 Census of Auchterarder, Perthshire, Scotland.
- Film #0103891 The 1861 Census of Auchterarder, Perthshire, Scotland.
- Film #0104071 The 1871 Census of Auchterarder, Perthshire, Scotland.
- Film #0217128 Abridgement of Sasines, Perthshire, Scotland.
- Film #0493571 The 1871 Census, Rimouski County, Province of Québec.
- Film #1375825 The 1881 Census, Gaspé/Rimouski County, Province of Québec.
- Film #1294570-1294571 Registres paroissiaux, Sainte Marguerite de Dorchester, Sainte Marguerite, Dorchester, Québec.
- Film #1831896 Registres paroissiaux, Saint Edouard de Frampton & Saint Odilon de Cranbourne, Dorchester, Québec.
- Film #0474584 The 1841 Census of Badger, Shropshire, England.
- Film #0087388 The 1851 Census of Badger, Shropshire, England.
- Film #0991963 The Church of England, Parish of Badger, Shropshire


Here is a list of print resources used for information:
- Baptisms, Sacred Heart Church, Laconia, New Hampshire, 1891-1996 (Manchester, New Hampshire: American-Canadian Genealogical Society).
- Bridgeport, Connecticut Directories, (Bridgeport, CT: Price, Lee & Co., various years)
- Burials, Sacred Heart Church, Laconia, New Hampshire, 1901-1996(Manchester, New Hampshire: American-Canadian Genealogical Society, 1982).
- Croteau, F., Mariages de la Ville de Concord, New Hampshire, 1855-1981(Manchester, NH: American-Canadian Genealogical Society).
- Jetté, René, Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec: Des origines à 1730 (Québec, Canada: University of Montréal, 1983).
- Liddell, Colin. Pitlochry: Heritage of a Highland District. (Perth and Kinross District Libraries, 1993).
- Pritchard, Michael, A Directory of London Photographers, 1841-1908 (London, England: Lithflow, Ltd., 1994).
- Reid, A. G., Annals of Auchterarder and Memorials of Strathearn (Perthshire, Scotland: Perth and Kinross District Library, 1989).
- Tanguay, Cyprien, Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles Canadiennes (Montréal, Canada: Senécal & Fils, 1888).
- Watson, Angus, The Ochils: Placenames, History, Traditions (Perthshire, Scotland: Perth and Kinross District Library, 1995).

Books, etc. on CD-ROM
- Catholic Church Records, Dorchester County, Québec: St. Anselme; St. Hénédine; Ste. Marguerite; St. Maxime. (Pawtucket, Rhode Island: Quintin Publications, 2001).
- Rimouski Diocese, Québec, Catholic Church Marriages, 1702-1902. (Pawtucket, Rhode Island: Quintin Publications, 2000).
- Talbot, Eloi-Gerard, Beauce, Dorchester, and Frontenac Counties, Catholic Church Marriages, 1625-1946. (Pawtucket, Rhode Island: Quintin Publications, 2000).
- The 1880 United States Census. (Transcribed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2001).
- The 1881 British Census. Crown Copyright. (Transcribed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1999).
- The 1881 Canadian Census. (Transcribed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2002).

Online Sources
Here is a list of Internet resources used for information:

Graphics for this web site provided by J. O'Donovan's

Old Fashioned Clip Art