François, Marie (nee Roy) and Eva Truchon
New Hampshire, circa 1894.
My grandmother kept a scrapbook. It was thick with yellowing pages and
filled with pictures: page after page of serious looking men in worsted suits, women with
shy smiles and "Gibson girl" features. Some of the pictures were captioned, many were
not. A few were given vague notations like,"Cousins In New Hamphire" or "Mom's Sister". I
grew up with these images. Every Sunday afternoon was spent at Grandma's house-poring over
those pictures looking for some previously unnoticed detail or hidden expression.
  The scrapbook that started it all, as it looks today.
Many of the photos have been removed and placed in archival sleeves for safe-keeping,
but there are still lots to go!
Grandma passed away in 1976 and the scrapbook was passed to her eldest daughter. It
was put away, but not forgotten. About a year ago, I asked if I might see the book
again. I thought it might help in preparing what was then a very small collection of
information about my grandmother's family.
 Me (bottom left) with my younger sister, my step-grandfather, Louis Mulhall, and my grandmother, Josephine Truchon.
And so the adventure began...
Thanks to the miracles of modern technology, and a little luck, I was
able to locate those "Cousins in New Hampshire"! In fact, I was eventually
able to place a name on all the folks in Grandma's scrapbook thanks to my very
helpful New Hampshire cousins. From there, the search for Truchon family relatives
and ancestors took me to Canada.
I was pleasantly surprised by the wealth of information
available through the parish records there. Much to my own astonishment, I was
able to trace the Truchon family back nine generations to Pierre Truchon and
Perinne Sirauer in Nantes, France and their son, Louis Léveillé dit Truchon. From Louis'
arrival in New France, (circa 1684) I have been able to follow the family through three
centuries, and several parishes in Québec to the present day and a host of cousins and
branches of the family tree both here in the United States, and in Canada.
It truly has been and continues to be an exciting adventure, a terrific
learning experience, and a excellent opportunity to meet some wonderful people---my family!!!
Lisez cette page en français.
Documents Pertaining to the Truchon Family
Seven Generations of the Truchon Family.
Marriage Records
Louis Truchon and Elizabeth Boivin, 1772.
Ephraim Léveillé dit Truchon and Zoë Imbault, 1846.
Baptismal Records
François Truchon, 1857.
Ephraim Truchon, 1820.
François Truchon
Auguste Truchon
Octavie Truchon
Eva Truchon
Josephine and Emma Truchon
Josephine Truchon
François Truchon and Rose Michaud
Arthur J. Truchon and Juliette Bissonette
Joseph Truchon
Antoinette Truchon
Marie Roy Truchon
Eugénie Truchon
