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Lolly Dolly's Victorian Page
 Silver FrameMirrored Candlelight Reflection
Amber gold light fills the room, an anxious peace fills my heart.  You are coming to me, I hear your quiet steps.

Take hold of my hand and pull me close, tell me that this is not our last night, whisper that you will always return to me.

The candle's flame flickers in the breeze.  Light dances on your face.  Magnolias gently scrap the outside window, a sweet rhythmic melody joined by the hum of crickets.

I can not tell you how this time will be frozen in thought for me, a captured fragment to remember you by.  A mirrored candlelight reflection of our love.

Day breaks, and I must leave your arms, I hold my breath at the image of you near the window.  Your smile warms my aching heart.

A true southern gentleman, hold me close against your new gray coat, and promise to return safely to me.  The dreadful moment has come and you must ride away.

It is dark, where do you sleep tonight my love, brave and sure of victory.  A single magnolia plays reflected in the mirror now a reminder of how our hearts danced.  It's reflection all I have to hold of you tonight.

Mellissa Moga
Copyright 1992
  Silver BedThese Victorian Sites are like the ladies who lived during the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901.  They were very sentimental in their feelings and loved fancy clothes, roses, and lace.

  Miss DJ
 Duttie's, Just Victorian
 My Scrap Album
 Victorian Animated Gifs
 The Victorian Home
 My Victorian Internet Tour
 Laurie's Place ~ Victoriana
 Jeanne's Tea Room
Victorian Reproduction Furniture and Accessories

Victorian Shopping Mall

LampSome reading for quite evenings.

 ALCOTT: Little Women
 An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving, L. M. Alcott, 1881
 ALCOTT: Good Wives, Table of Contents
 Jane Austen: Persuasion
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 Flower Arch
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Victoriana- Resources for Victorian Living
Last updated Jan. 15, 1999
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