Lolly Dolly's Awards Page

Lolly Dolly is very proud of all her awards and will always treasure them. Thanks to all!

Here are two awards given me by AngelHart
I would love it if you would accept my Looking through Angels Wings
Award....you are very deserving!!
God Bless!!!  Your friend, Anita

Hello! I have attached a very special gift from me to you. You are one of my top ten winners. You will be listed on my web site within the next 72 hours. Enjoy! Sincerely, Dena Kirchoff D Angel

Hi Laura, I have attached one of my awards and a little gift from me to you. Your site reflects your faith, hope, and love....and I was very much touched. Laura,
Sincerely and with Love,
Jaci Reann

This award is given to me by my very
good friend Andy from Andy's Hometown Home
The Lighthouse
Member of the Lighthouse Family

Hello Friend and Fellow Mentor; Please accept my "Carrie Award" for your wonderful Home Page. I am sending the Award to you because I have found you to have a Beautiful and warm loving page. Your page is an asset to the web. Keep up the great work and link the award to my page so my friends can see our changes. I will have a link back to your page as a winner of my award. Anuccia
I love your site and your beautiful witness to others on the internet and pray that many will be led to accept Him as their Lord and Savior. Thank you for what you are doing with your talent and your website.  
   Lolly Dolly's Directory
Here you will find a list of all our web pages.  We will be updating all of our pages often once we get settled in.

Lolly Dolly Awards Page 2

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Lolly Dolly's Home Page
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Lolly Dolly's Angel Page
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Lolly Dolly's Web Rings
Lolly Dolly's Prayer Page
Lolly Dolly's Cajun Recipe Page
Lolly Dolly's Christmas Page
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Total visitors since July 4, 1997

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Last updated Nov. 12, 1997

Background by Lolly Dolly
Copyright 1997
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In New Orleans, LA it is now: 
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Won't you stop by for a visit with my cousin's site, "Linda's World", in Hawaii.
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