I firmly
believe that prayers can be answered if you are sincere in your requests
to our Lord. Prayer is just another way of communicating with Him.
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Doris was
a heavy smoker and smoked for over 35 years. She started smoking
when she was 15 years old and in a time when it was very fashionable to
smoke. There was no warning that you could become addicted to cigarettes
nor that it would cause cancer. She no longer smokes and wishes she
had never heard of a cigarette. Before she knew she had cancer of
the lungs she would pray to God every night to please take the desire for
cigarettes from her. He answered her prayer and she was completely
smoke free by the time she discovered she had cancer. That was her
desire and God answered her.
On Friday
August 8, 1997 Doris learned that she has cancer in her other lung. She
will have to undergo more tests because you don't have the same kind of
cancer in both lungs. She is scared and frightened at having to take the
tests. She is afraid of dying a painful death too. Please remember her
in your prayers.
On August
29, 1997 Doris was told they would try a new Chemo on her which would only
prolong her life by 8 months if she was lucky. Her doctors decided not to
put her through any painful tests to determine what kind of cancer was in
the other lung. Her left lung is heavily damaged from the cancer and she
is getting weaker with each passing day. Please pray for her.
Today, Sept. 26, 1997 Doris was admitted to the hospital.
She has lots of trouble breathing and is in a lot of pain. They
are going to give her three pints of blood because the Chemotherapy has killed her blood and there is hardly any
oxygen getting to her lungs. The doctors will try morphine
for her pain. Please pray very hard for her.
Paul, her
husband, is a dialysis patient. His kidneys failed shortly before
his marriage to Doris. He is dialyzed three times a week. He
too cannot walk or stand up very long without getting out of breath.
Paul is in the hospital more than he is out. His grafts are always
getting infections. At the moment he is back in the hospital because
his heart has too much fluid in it. He is in the intensive care unit.
They will be operating on his heart to relieve the fluid on Friday, July
the 26th, 1997. He is very depressed at always being in the hospital
and feels that he is not really living.
Both are
on a fixed income because they are unable to work. Please pray for
a complete recovery of Doris' lung cancer and for Paul's recovery from
this operation and for strength for the both of them to be able to bear
their problems.
On Sept. 27, 1997 the doctors informed Doris that she has only
2 months or less left to live. The cancer is now in both lungs.
Her right lung has 9 tumors which are growing bigger everyday.
Her left lung has cancer and is totaly black. The doctors
have said they cannot even tell what all is in her left lung.
They also feel that the cancer has gone into her brain. They
told her to go on Hospice now because they cannot do anything
else for her.
The doctors say chemo is only feeding her
cancer. They said that she had about 2 months to live. She cried all
day from fear of dying. She shook like a leaf. She couldn't sleep nor
had she slept in several days. That night when I (Laura, her twin) went to bed I prayed
to God that He would send His angels or go in person or just send
someone to comfort Doris and give her dying strength. They gave her a
very strong sleeping pill and she finally fell asleep but woke up scared
to death and crying during the night. A nurse walked into her room and
got on her knees and started praying and prayed for about 2 hours for
Doris and when she left Doris was calm and had that strength I prayed
for and she got into bed and slept like a lamb. God our Father hears
our prayers.
Well here it is Jan. 3, 1998 and Doris is still here with us.
God our Father in Heaven has shown the doctors who said that Doris will be dead by Thanksgiving. Our God has let her live to enjoy Christmas and the New Years with her family.
Sadly though, I am afraid that she won't be with us much longer than this week. In the last couple of days she has gotten much worse. She can no longer walk and is having great difficulty breathing. The cancer is now in her bones too. She is in great pain and is taking large doses of morphine which doesn't seem to help at times. She can no longer function mentally.
Yes, our God is a great God! Knowing how all of us (her family) just loves the holiday season he kept her here for us. Now its time for Him to have her. Please pray that His will for Doris comes to pass. Please pray also that smokers realize just how much they are risking when they light up.
Isn't God great? Here it is Feb. 1, 1998 and Doris is still
with us. It seems like when we think she is going to die
within several hours God gives her renewed strength. Praise
and Glory go to Him our maker and healer.
Thursday, April 8, 1998 - As I am typing this to you, with a heavy heart, my twin is finally laying
down on her death bed. She has been in extreme pain since last
Thursday. She is completely bed ridden. She is no longer coherent.
And tonight her pain finally stopped. The doctors say that is how it is
in the end. She also picks at the bed clothes-doctors say because she
has some weighty problem on her mind. She has lost so much weight she
is so skinny. She looked so lost and frightened the last time I saw
her (awhile ago) tonight. Her last coherent words to her husband was that
she was afraid to die. My tears won't stop, even crying on the inside
for her. I love her so. We shared a bed since our moment of birth
till the day I got married. I asked her before I left tonight if she
wanted me to spend the night with her she shook her head no. I assumed
she knew what I was saying.
Doris Moga Smith Stone died on April 29, 1998 at around
4:00pm. She died at home. She died holding her husband
Paul's hand. The past week she had been in the hospital
because the pain was so great and the doctors had to up
her medications. But the pain would keep breaking through
all that morphine. Well she is home now and totally cured
of her cancer. She will never have to suffer again and will
never have to die again. Thank you Jesus.
Doris' family thanks all who have been praying for her.
Doris' Own Story of Salvation
On Sept. 27, 1997 Paul felt weak and fell down and broke his
shoulder and arm in two different places. He was also hospitalized for another infection in his grafts. Please lift him up for prayers.
Ella suffers from heart problems, arthritis, bladder infections, diabetics and can no loner walk. She has been confined to a wheel chair for the last two years and is in constant pain from the arthritis. She is a survivor of cervical cancer and has been cancer free for ten years.
Adrian has had in the last ten years several major strokes and cancer of the colon. He had to have his colon removed and is now using a colostomy. He is confined to a wheel chair because of the strokes making his legs to weak to walk. Yet, he does his exercises every day so he can have the strength to help pull himself to a standing position. He gets a big A for really trying. He is a diabetic and has high blood pressure.
He gets
very depress because his wife is in a nursing home and he can only go about
once a week to see her. They married young and he was used to seeing
her every day. Adrian & Ella lost their son, Tommy, two years
ago and Ella retreated into another world where Tommy still exists.
Please pray for the both of them.
On Oct.17, Adrian was operated on and had his colostomy moved from his left side to the middle of his stomach. It was a pretty major deal for a 78 year old man. He is home now and very weak so prayer for him will be greatly appreciated.
Dear Jesus, make me willing to take your cup and give up all of me for you. Keep steady my steps according to thy promise and let no iniquity get dominion over me. Amen.
Dear Loving God, thank you for the constant presence of Christ in my life. Help me always to keep my eyes on Him, rather than on my problems. Amen.
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