Dear Friend:
I want to tell you about how God found me. I really made a mess of my life and was quite a miserable person. Well, things are better and I am happier now, no thanks to mankind, but to the Lord. I know what you are thinking, that I must have turned into a religious fanatic. It's not true. I am not a fanatic. I believe in God now. For years I used to laugh about it, and would never go near a church, let alone read the Bible. That's how most people are. People can be told about Jesus, read the Bible, go to church on Sunday's, and yet never believe. They were just brought up to do so. It's a habit with them. Some will never truly believe. God says they won't unless he opens their heart, for them to believe. God also knows who are saved and who aren't. If you are saved nothing will happen to you to make you die until you have accepted the Lord. Now that I have trusted in the Lord and I am saved it is my job to tell others how to obtain salvation. When Jesus died on the cross He died for all our sins. Some people think that He died for their sins only up until the time we accept Him, then after that we have to be good to get to Heaven. That's not true. When Jesus died on the cross He did not say it was for only some of your sins, but he said for all of your sins. And through His resurrection we are shown we have eternal life in Heaven. The Bible says that the only way to Heaven is through Jesus, not through our good works on earth, but through Jesus! I still sin every day, but the difference is that now I am a saved sinner!! Pray to the Lord, confess that you are a sinner, tell Him you are sorry for your sins and that you repent of them and that you accept His Son as your Lord and Savior, and then ask Jesus to enter your heart. Believe me, He will, He is just waiting--to be asked. He loves you and He died for your sins. If you truly believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and your Savior, you will be saved. Then you will never have to fear death. You know God is a just and fair God. Just as He is going to give the saved ones a body that will be indestructible and that can live eternally in Heaven, He will do the same for the ones going to Hell. He is going to give them bodies that can live forever, bodies that cannot be destroyed, just so they can burn eternally in Hell. A lot of good people are going to hell, church going people too. Because they did not believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and God Himself, that He died on the cross for all their sins, because of not accepting Jesus they will burn forever. God created the world in 7 days. On the 7th day He rested. To God a day is as 1,000 yrs. It was 2,000 years (2 days) from Adam to Moses, and 2,000 yrs. (2 days) from Moses to Jesus. From Jesus to us was 2,000 yrs. (2 days). That's 6,000 yrs. or 6 days altogether. On the 7th day or 7,000 yrs. is the day of rest. We are at the end of the 6th day. The bible says that soon Jesus is coming to rule the world for 1,000 years, of peace on earth. The last book of the bible tells of the end times. We are at that time now. The Lord says that in the end times He will pour out His Spirit on the world and that many will be saved. I believe that is now! Many of the ones I loved, who never believed in Jesus before, do so now. Through the grace of God we have been saved. The bible says that Jesus is coming back and gives signs of this. Some of the signs are: When Israel becomes a nation again, that generation will not pass away without seeing all these things come to pass. Israel became a nation of May 4, 1948. That's 40 years ago. That generation is still here and we are seeing some bible prophecy coming true now. Also the bible says that when they rebuild their temple that was destroyed 40 yrs. after Jesus was crucified, the tribulation will start. Believe me, when they see the temple rebuilt, this will scare a lot of people who read the bible but did not believe. According to the Bible, before the tribulation starts Jesus is going to take all the Believers out of the world. He promised we would not have to suffer His wrath upon the world. One of the ways the devil is going to keep people from believing that Jesus came for the believers is to say that we were carried away by UFO's. The world is being prepared for this now. Look at all the UFO sightings. During the tribulation people will not be able to buy or sell anything unless they take the mark of the devil, on the wrist or the forehead. That's why the scanners in the supermarkets were developed. They have pencil scanners now that will be used to scan these marks. That's why the universal price code was developed on the packages and boxes. That's why they are starting to use smart cards and from there they will progress to imbedded chips in your forehead or wrist. Be on the lookout! Just one more thing, after Jesus takes the believers and the tribulation
starts, those who heard the message of God, but did not believe before
the believers were taken, will never be saved. God will harden their hearts
to believe a lie. Only people who never heard the gospel before
can be saved during the tribulation, and multitudes will be saved.
The bible says that people who believe and refuse the mark of the devil
will be beheaded and made martyrs. Why Beheading? Many people
will gladly die for Jesus or what they believe. But how many will
gladly die if they know their head will be cut off. The devil is
going to use this fear to make many take his mark.
I hope that you can understand this and accept Jesus' death on the cross and His shed blood for you. Read all the things that I am writing to you and ask Jesus to forgive you and to enter your heart and someday we will all meet one another in Heaven! Praying that you will find peace through Jesus Christ,
"Lord Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner and that