Lolly Dolly First I would like you to meet one of our little granddaughters. Her name is Laura Elaine Villanueva. We call her Lolly Dolly. Her grandmother is named Laura and when she was a little girl everyone called her Lolly. So naturally since Laurie is such a doll she got the nickname Lolly Dolly by her Great Aunt Doris Stone. Let me show you a picture of her when she was 2 years old. (Easter 1997) At the tender age of two she had her ten minutes of fame. She was visiting her great-grandmother in the nursing home while they were having a Easter Hat Judging Contest. The contest was sponsored by the famous strip tease artist Chris Owens. One of the judges was the famous singer, Charmaine Neville, sister of Aaron Neville. Charmaine started playing with Lolly and a photographer from the local newspaper here in New Orleans snapped their picture and took down her name. Yes, it appeared in the paper the next day.
Now the only high spots in her life is learning to potty train and visiting her favorite grandma, Laura. (me) She doesn't talk much yet. Her favorite pastime is rooting through cabinets and drawers. She can turn a spotless house into the biggest mess you ever seen in less than 10 minutes.
Old Lovers Next I would like for you to meet two old lovers, Adrian & Ella Moga. They are the parents of Laura Lowman and Great Grandparents of Lolly Dolly. Adrian is 77 years old and Ella (Roy) Moga is 74 years old.
They met in 1945 while Adrian(born in Winnoa, Wis.) was stationed in Alexandria, LA. Ella, born in Marksville, LA, was working as a waitress in a small cafe. Adrian and a Army buddy walked in for a cup of coffee and something to eat. When he spotted Ella he told his buddy that "someday he was gonna marry that girl."
They have now been married for 51 years. They have 2 daughters and 3 sons, 12 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.They have been very happy with each other, Ella stayed home with the children and never worked in a cafe again. Adrian worked for several years for Esso (now called Exxon) then relocated to New Orleans where he became a truck driver for A&P until he retired when he was 62 years of age.
Three years ago tragedy struck their happy lives. Their beloved son, Leon Thomas Moga, was killed in a motorcycle accident. Ella was so grief stricken (she was now 71 years old) that a year later she retreated into another world when her memories were happy ones. She now lives in a nursing home because she no longer can walk or stand. To her, her son is still alive and all of her children are young again.
Adrian now lives with his daughter and her husband. He is wheel chair bound and gets to see his wife about once a week. He takes her flowers every time he visits with her. They hold hands and whisper sweet nothings to each other, still in love with her as the day he met her.
Ella, Adrian's Mother Laura, Adrian Ella & Adrian
The Twins Laura & Doris first born of Adrian & Ella Moga in Alexandria, LA. Always together. The bond between them is stronger than steel. Neither can do without the other. When anything new happens or one of them acquires something new they first go to the other with the news. In school they use to change classes and neither their teachers or their classmates knew the difference. On double dates if one wasn't happy with who she was with the other would change places with her and the dates never knew better. Sometimes, when their children were little they had to guess which one was their mother.
Now in their autumn years its easier to tell them apart, but the bond is stronger than ever. Doris, beloved of Laura, has cancer of the lungs. It is inoperable. She is taking chemotherapy and radiation followed by the cancer pill. Pray sweet Jesus that it works! How can one continue without the other? For an update on Doris please go to our Prayer Page.
Doris on left, Laura on right (both pictures) Sweet Debbie Doo Sweet Debbie Doo is one of the nicknames Deborah Dubroc had to contend with while growing up. She was born in New Orleans, La. to Laura & Norris Dubroc. No one could have had a sweeter girl for a daughter. She is always smiling, eager to give a helping hand, and never complains when life deals her a rotten hand. She is one of her mothers pride and joy.
"Debbie Doo" Nae Nae and Lou Lou Rene' Baley born in Jefferson, La. to Laura Baley was raised up by her loving step-father, Joseph Lowman. He treated her just like she was born of him and she loves him as if she was. When she was little she would tape pictures, cut out of magazines and newspapers of whatever she wanted him to buy her, onto his bedroom door, bed or the bathroom mirror.His little girl married in her senior year of high school Louis Villanueva who she met while working. While receiving her diploma on Graduation Day she started having labor contractions with Lolly Dolly who was born three days later. She and her husband, Louis, are devoted to each other and their little Dolly. These two children have brought great joy into our family with their laughter and teasing.
Aubrey Aubrey Dubroc was born to Laura & Norris Dubroc in New Orleans on Sept. 19, 1966. He works for his step-father Joe as a siding applicator and every day after work he does 2 to 3 hours of aerobics. That is one of his passions in life -- physical fitness. He also likes fishing and hunting. He is quick to anger and double quick to forgive. He has a dog called Pee-wee that he has had since a puppy-the dog is now about 15 years old. He and his dog loves running on the levee by the Mississippi River. They usually run for about a hour every day.![]()
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