Dolly is very proud of all her awards and will always treasure
them. Thanks to all!
I followed a link from a guestbook that you signed to visit your pages.
I thought that your site was very nicely done. I was impressed
by your
show of faith. Because your site shows a warm heart for your
family, I'd like to
give you this award.
Take care and God Bless,
We would like to present your site with our award. Your pages are just amazing. Keep up the good work.
Jeri Fox
Your pages are truly wonderful!
Here's a little gift from me to you!
Hi Lolly Dolly!!!
Well the reason I am writing is because I have finally gotten around to creating an award and other than my cyber sister Beth, I wanted you to be the first I gave it to (I kept your web addy handy just for that!)