Lolly Dolly's Graphic Index

This is an index of all our current backgrounds
and border backgrounds.  We hope that you
might find our graphics pretty as well as useable.
We are very new at designing them so enjoy.
Also, check back often for we will be changing
and adding to these.
Flowers (New)
More Flowers
St. Patrick's Day
Mother's Day
Father's Day
Happy Halloween Backgrounds

See my newest page - a Jesus Lake Applet!

Background by Lolly Dolly
Copyright 1998
Return to Lolly Dolly's Main Index
where you will find a complete listing of all our
other web pages.

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 Please E-mail me if you
have any request for special

Learn all about Jesus' Salvation
and what He did for us that first
Easter morning.  Please let Him into
your life and see what a difference He
can make.

Vistors since March 15, 1998

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