(My daughter lives there.)

If you would like to receive one or more of my awards, e-mail me and tell me why you think I would like your site. If you've read any of my pages, then you will know what I like.....and what I don't!

Be sure to send me your URL and your e-mail address.

If you receive one of my awards, please link it back to my main page.

My Nice Site Award

This award will be given to a site that is friendly and open for anyone to enjoy!

My Loving and Caring Award

This award is for a site that's full of love and for a site that is dedicated to someone else.

My Award For Beauty

This award goes to the site that makes me go ahhhhhh! when I first see it!

My Award For Excellence

This award is for a site that shows a lot of work went into making it.

My "In His Name" Award

This one should speak for itself. I will give this one for any site that I can feel the Lord's presence. A site that reflects your true love for Him.

Go see many places where you can apply for other awards.

E-Mail Me!

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