All life is sacred to Him!

 "Victory in Jesus"

What I Believe

As a Christian, I believe certain things to be true.

I believe that the Lord our God is indeed three persons; The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost.

I believe that God is the beginning and the end, He is the Alpha and the Omega, and He is the only true God.
I believe that Jesus and God are one in the same.

I believe that God is the only real truth and the Bible is His divine word.

I believe that Jesus is the only Begotten Son of God. He was born of a virgin and is the only ever to be man-god.

I  believe that we are all known by God before the world was made. That abortion is murder of a human being.
Fetus is Latin for "baby." All life is sacred because He made it. The only choice we have is before we conceive.

I believe that God gave all of us a free will in which we all have the choice on which path to take.
If we choose the path of sin, we will be judged by God at the Great White Throne and punished for our choices.

I believe that we are told to judge those who sin, only to let them know that they are doing wrong and
we want to help to show them this. Not to condemn them.

I believe that we are to love everyone as we were told to, but we can hate their sins.

I also believe that everyone can go to heaven. No one is chosen not to by God.
God is not white and men of all colors are the same in His eye. After all, He made us all.

I believe in the rapture of God's church in the end days, which is the only true church.
This includes anyone who has believed in and accepted Jesus as their Saviour.

I believe that Jesus died on the cross for all of men's sins and that no man can come to God but through Jesus.
I believe that if you confess your sins and believe in His death for us, that you will be born again.

I believe that God loves every soul on earth, living or dead, sinner or saint.

Everything I have written here can be found in the Bible as true.
The Bible is the word of God and Jesus was that word in the flesh, therefore, the truth.

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