Visitors since June 9, 1998.

"Rocky Mt.High"
(see my John Denver page)


Click for Colorado Springs, Colorado Forecast

Click for Florissant, Colorado Forecast

 I love to fish and camp, and this is a great place to do both!

Most people think of skiing when they think of Colorado. In the summer when the snows are gone, fishing is the thing to do in this land of plenty. There are so many places you can both fish and camp. There are also a bunch of trails to hike, cliffs to scale, and lots of dirt roads to drive if you don't care to walk. There are so many dirt roads, that it would take more than a lifetime to drive them all!

In the spring it looks like this...

but in the summer, it's so warm, you can just about forget that you are almost in the clouds! Then it looks a lot like this...

Now that's more like it.

Trout...that's what you'll see the most of up here. There's also Pike.
In the fall you can catch Salmon. In all there are about 80 different
types of fish you can catch here!

Please sign my guestbook if you love to fish like I do,
and tell me what you've been catching and where.

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 Here are some links with info on Colorado.

 What's So Great About Colorado?

 Colorado Outdoors
(Rocky Mt. Natl. Park)

 Colorado State Parks

 Pikes Peak Cam [tm]
 (see what Pikes Peak looks like right now!)

 State of Colorado Homepage

 Tourism and Recreation in Colorado

 Tourism & Sport of the Colorado and Canadian Rockies - Rocky Mountain Parks
(a great site to find out all about fishing)


 Hiking in Colorado

 Backcountry Home Page

 Colorado Adventure Guide Online

 Colorado Genealogical Society Home Page

  Snow Guide: Snowboard Resorts in Colorado

 Welcome to Colorado Outdoors

 Recreation in Colorado\Recreation

 Colorado Links
(here are some more links)


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