Dear Brothers and Sisters of St. Francis.
May God grant all of you a gentle Franciscan day.
I believe that God has granted us a very good Council to server you. Tom McGrath, S.F.O., you past minister, has so kindly agreed to help us out by remaining on the Council as an Honorary member.Tom has already been put to use by conducting an election and showing Don Nauer, S.F.O., the ropes. Right after the election Don had a heart attack, followed by open heart surgery for a triple by pass. He seem to be recovering nicely. I assure you that Tom showing Don the ropes had nothing to do with it. The other nonvoting member on the Council is Betty Grenier, S.F.O., who was kind enough to take the position of Regional Historian and Liturgist. Betty was to great an asset to let off the hook, as she has such a grasp on the History of the birth of out Queen of Peace Region. Another person that has volunteered to help is Ann Kramar, S.F.O., past editor of the Tracings. She will be helping with the editing and putting Tracings together perhaps by the next issue. I am very thankful for all these wonderful people helping this new Councel. We all hope that we can do out term by being your "Servant Leader".
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