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This schedule is for those who will be professed in June.

Please pray for their vocation.


March - Session9

Being sensitive and loyal to the Church.


April 19 - Session 10

Public Profession, and Statement of Intent.


May 6 – Retreat Session 11

Mary, Francis and commitment to your vocation.


May17 - Session 12

Intimacy and Imitation of Jesus. Plan profession liturgy.


June 21 – Profession into the Pater Noster Fraternity of the
Secular Franciscan Order.

(Celebrate fathers Day, by giving yourself in a special way to God the Father.)


July 19 - Meditate on the words of Noah, as he looked up into the darkened sky and saw tiny drops of rain beginning to fall He raised his arms up to heaven in a final gesture of service to God, he then turned lovingly to his family and said, "GET IN THE BOAT".





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"O most holy Pater Noster; our Creator, Redeemer, Consoler, and Savior"......St. Francis