IN MONTANA - The DUI proposal became Montana Initiative 135 but failed to collect enough signatures to put it on the '98 ballot. (Not for lack of interest, but ...with no prior knowledge of the process .. for lack of time.)
We'll be back. There appears to be a lot of support out there and we feel that the Initiative process is the right path to take.
The next step is getting it heard throughout the state. So stay tuned and be watching for meetings and volunteer opportunities. We need YOU to help this pass!
To view
Montana Initiative 135 - Click on the underlined text or the "scales" to the left. The draft is preceeded by a page explaining it.
IN OREGON...House Speaker Lynn Snodgrass, R-Boring, introduced House Bill 2003, placing a red stripe on the driver's licenses of convicted DUI offenders ... giving bartenders and store clerks the option of not serving DUI offenders. The stripe would remain for 2 years, unless the DUI resulted in a crash or injury, in which it would remain for a period of 10 years.
To view OR HB 2003 - Click on the underlined text or the "scales" to the left.
IF YOU ARE OUTSIDE OF MONTANA .. maybe you'd like to bring this to the attention of your State Representatives. Click HERE and follow the links to your state and it's Legislative branch to find out how to contact your Legislators.
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