National Commission Against Drunk Drivers - notes of interest from their 1996 conference.
Intoximeters, Inc.
The world's leading manufacturer of alcohol breath testing
instruments-with Related Internet Resources
Each of the articles below have at least one idea that struck a chord with me. See if these articles aim your thoughts in different directions....
One Criminal's Chronicle
- "You really don't want this to happen to you!" Informative! Read his story, and don't miss the conclusions at the end.
Drunk Drivers Are Violent Criminals
- Solving the overcrowding issue by releasing drunk drivers
is dangerous!
Formula For Slaughter - Alcohol Plus Autos
- A patrolman's view of the problem. -
"Twenty percent of all Americans not only don't care if they die,
they also don't care if they help someone else get dead... "
Harsher Punishment for Crime is Not the Answer
If harsher punishment was the answer, then the U.S. would lead the world in crime reduction. That is not the case....
Punishment, Rehabilitation and Protection
- Making prison time work!
Sheriff Brass Crime Prevention Unit
In order for Crime to occur, 3 elements must be present... Desire, Ability, and Opportunity.
Remove any one of the legs of the triangle, and one removes the crime....
What Price Conviction?- direct costs you can expect if convicted of a DUI
Business, Alcohol & Crime
This study finds a direct relationship between number of businesses selling alcohol and the level of violent offenses in an area.
Prior Records Common Among Drunk Drivers
- "More than half of the people in local jails on DWI
charges ... had prior sentences to jail or prison for
drunk driving."
These are Drunk Driving sites that have also linked back to this site. Check them out.
- The combination of drinking & driving results in one injury every minute...
- links to alcohol, drugs, drunk driving, recovery, addiction, health
M.A.D.D.-In Memory of Their Victims
- poems, and candles for (and links to) a number of victims ... including Tiffany.
D.E.A.N. Dedicated to Eliminating Alcohol Negligence
Drinking and Driving
- A New Zeland Police Officer site.
Welcome to Aimee's Home
- In memory of Aimee Irene Ellis. Aimee was killed by a drunk driver on Dec. 13, 1997. Read her story.
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