In 1990, more than half of the fatal car accidents in this country were related to alcohol, killing 22,083 people.
This is the equivalent of a fully loaded 747 crashing.
Three times a week.
Every week.
. .
In 1995, an estimated 17,274 persons died in alcohol-related traffic crashes--an average of one every 32 minutes. (NHTSA, 1996)
In the past decade, four times as many Americans died in drunk driving crashes as were killed in the Vietnam War.
(NHTSA, 1995)
Eight young people a day die in alcohol-related crashes.
(CSAP, 1996)
Half of all teenage fatalities are alcohol-related.
two in every five Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash
at some time in their lives. (NHTSA, 1996)
About a third of all drivers arrested for DWI are repeat offenders according to data gathered from 12 states. (NHTSA, 1995)
In 1995, in Montana, 42.3% of the traffic fatalities were alcohol related.
Approximately 79 percent of legally drunk drivers
have BACs greater than .15 and 52 percent exceed .20. (NCDD, Dec. 1996)
Drivers with BACs over .15 are more than 200 times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than non-drinking drivers, and those with BACs over .20 are 460 times more likely. (NCDD, 1996)
These hard core drunk drivers account for only one percent of all drivers on the road at night and on weekends, while representing nearly half of all fatal crashes at that time. (NCDD, Dec. 1996)
A drunk driving crash costs innocent victims $26,000. Comparable crime costs per victim:
assault--$19,000; robbery--$13,000;
motor vehicle theft--$4,000.
Nearly three out of four (72%) of the driving age public think that penalities for drinking and driving should be more severe. Of those, nearly half think they should be much more severe. (NHTSA, 1996)
A plurality of the American public considers drunk driving the
major highway safety problem in the country, according to a recent Gallup survey. (MADD, 1994)
Sixty-three percent said it would be a good or excellent
idea to raise the penalty for bars and restaurants that serve alcholic drinks to individuals who are already intoxicated.
(IRC, 1993)
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