Miss Black Star 125 - 1996 Trophy Queen
Miss Kalispell, West Coast Miss Junior America 1996
Just want to tell you how very, very much we miss you, and the difference you made in our lives. How we admired the way you walked straight and tall through every trouble; your shoulders never slouched and you never seemed to slow your step. We know with that big heart of yours that things could really hurt you. You'd just move on...seeking advice if you needed it, but finding your own solutions. You treasured your independence so much. And we did too. For sixteen years we watched in wonder as you developed your own map, one that we'd all like to follow.
We've treasured your inclusive and loving nature, above all else. We never knew anyone who touched so many lives, of all different ages, all walks of life. You so genuinely cared about each and every one. You could look past exteriors and into our hearts. It reminded us that we should do the same. We remember how you would introduce yourself to anyone who seemed to be hanging on the sidelines. You did it because you felt like you also were on the fringes...trying to find a place to fit in. As we all are.
We saw you follow your own conscience. You showed us how to overlook criticism that is unfair, and how to "not worry about what others say". You showed us all so much love and respect. Your consideration made us more considerate.
Yet you didn't let anyone walk all over you either. You let us know when we were stepping on your toes, when the choice was yours to make. We learned about courage from you.
You wrote about ambitions and goals. You had direction and adjusted to fit the circumstances. You did tough things-if they were the right thing to do.
We loved how you loved us. You visited friends constantly, but when evening came you always wanted to come home.
We learned as much from you as you ever learned from us, TIffany. Our family was stronger for you being a part of us. We made a good team. We're so much the richer for having had you with us.
We love you, Tiffany.
Your loving family,
Dad, Mom, Lynnette, & Jacob
Miss Montana 200
Tiffany & Lynnette
Tiffany enjoyed being the trophy queen at the race track on a number of occasions. For the big Montana 200 Race, Tiffany's sister Lynnette was invited to fly home to share the honor with her. Tiffany went out and found them both matching gowns ... for $25 each!
[Halloween 1987]
Jacob - "Lions & Tigers! Oh No!"
And Tiffany as our aspiring beauty queen?
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