Turkey! Turkey! Turkey!
copyright 1999 Cheryl Paton
"Turkey!  Turkey!  Turkey!" cried the gobbler.  "Soon it will be Thanksgiving Day!"
"Hush.  Hush.  Hush," cried his siblings.  "Don't let them know you're here."
"Who?  Who?  Who?" replied the gobbler
"The people, who will eat you on Thanksgiving Day," answered his brothers and sisters.
"Gulp," went the little gobbler.  "Why would they want to eat me on a day of Thanksgiving?"
"Because it is tradition to give thanks for a belly full of turkey on Thanksgiving Day.  Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, they say.  That sure was good."
They needn't say more, the siblings to the gobbler; he learned his lesson well, and fast.  As he then stretched out his tail feathers and pressed berries to their tips.
His brothers and sisters watched in wonder and awe.  Then their beaks hit the ground as the gobbler danced away singing, "I'm a peacock.  I'm a peacock."
The End
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