Hi, my name is Cheryl.  I prefer to play games where everyone is a winner.  It just seems to be more fun that way.  Read on for some ideas.
This is one I made up when my daughter, Jessica, was five years old.  We were playing memory and I didn't much feel like remembering.  I thought to myself, Isn't there some other way we can play this.  And the answer came, make a story.  So we took turns picking up cards that were laying face down and then making up a story about the cards that we had picked up.  We could do short individual stories, or one long one that we could keep adding to.  It was loads of fun.   I call this game idea StoryMaker.  I hope you enjoy it too.  
For young ones who are afraid of thunder, have them make their own thunder by stomping their feet (or clapping their hands) and saying boom, boom, boom.  To read the story behind the game idea on this one, click on the storm clouds.
Where I grew up, we used to play Scotch Doubles.  When bowling, the first player, on a team of two, throws the first ball.  The second player throws the second ball, either trying to make a spare from the remaining pens, or bowling the first ball on the next turn.
Hide puzzle pieces. (Age appropriate and with not too many pieces.)  Everyone searches for the pieces and builds the puzzle as a team.  Then celebrate with thank you's for each other's contribution.
Join hands and go around in a circle, like in Ring Around the Rosie, saying:
"I'm okay!
You're okay!
We're all okay!"
Then shout "Yeaaaa!" as you hold each others hands high in the air.
(Second verse goes...)
"I'm a winner!
You're a winner!
We're all winners!"
Again, shout "Yeaaaaa!" as you hold each others hands high in the air.
When playing pool, each person takes a turn, one shot each unless of course it's one that needs to be made up.  The person whose turn it is can shoot for whatever ball they would like to try to get in a pocket.  The color or whether the ball is striped or solid doesn't matter.
When playing Simon Says, add things like:
Simon says turn to the person on your left and give them a hug.
Simon says tell the person on your right something you like about them.
Simon says give yourself a hug.
Simon says reach high into the sky.
Simon says stretch to the left (or stretch to the right).
Simon says, turn to the person on your right and politely shake their hand, or give them a high five.
What kind of things do you like to do?
Do you have any win win ideas you'd like to share with others on this page?
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