I, Cheryl,  had read that honey was good for burns.  So one night while I was pouring hot water from a big pot of spaghetti, I accidentally poured it on my stomach.  Ouch!
I wondered what to do.  Then I remembered reading about honey. I rolled up my shirt and rolled down my waistband.  The redness on my stomach went all the way across and was five inches high.  So I smeared honey over the whole red area.  It stung at first, but then the stinging gradually faded.
I left the honey on for several hours.  Then I wiped it off with a cool wet wash cloth.  My stomach was clear all except for a 1/4" pink spot right in the middle.  No blistering or anything.  Just smooth perfect skin that didn't hurt!  I was truly amazed and have used honey for my all other similar burns since.  
See *** below.
Another day, I was outside, barefoot, when I stepped on a bee.  Ouch!  Again I wondered what to do.  The last time I had gotten stung, I tried baking soda paste, which was cooling and soothing when I first put it on.  But the redness and swelling continued to grow, and I ended up having to go on medication.  So, I got the idea, why not honey.
So I dabbed some on and covered it with a band aid.  Hours later it felt much better.  I removed the band aid.  But then shortly after it started to sting again.  So I applied more honey and another band aid.  To make a long story short, I found out that if I kept changing the honey and bandaid, about three times a day and did it for about two days, all the stinging and redness left and didn't come back.  Any time shorter and the stinging and redness returned.
I've had a couple more bee stings since then and the honey remedy has worked every time.
I've tried it on my daughter, and it has worked for her too!  
First though, if the stinger is still in the skin, you'll need to remove it.  I've been told that one can use their fingernail to scratch it out.  
See *** below.
***Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor.  So whether this treatment is the best one for you, I cannot say.  I just wanted to share a God-send that has worked for me and perhaps it might help you too.
Good luck and God Bless...  Given with...
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