The Star
copyright 2000 Jessica Paton (page 1)
Kacy was a star.  She loved to be in the spotlight and have all eyes on her.  She liked the attention she got.  However, when she watched her sister Rose copy the things that she did. Kacy felt that her sister was trying to steal the attention and the show.  So Kacy decided to stop being a star, and be a normal girl.  Kacy didn't know too much about normal girls, but she did have a book that told about what normal girls might wear and do.
"Normal girls wear blue jeans," Kacy said to herself.
Kacy found a pair of blue jeans in her closet.  She put them on and looked in the mirror.  But something was missing.
"Normal girls wear tee-shirts," Kacy told herself.
Kacy found a tee-shirt in her drawer.  She put it on, but something was still missing.
"Normal girls wear bows in their hair," Kacy said to herself.
Kacy found a lovely, satin, pink bow in her jewelry box.  She clipped it in her hair and smiled.  But something was still missing.
"Normal girls have friends to play with," Kacy told herself.
Kacy's little sister toddled into her bedroom.  She was dressed for a show.  Kacy frowned.  She didn't want to see her sister sing.  That used to be Kacy's position, but thanks to her sister, she was normal.
"Normal girls don't go to their sister's shows.  And anyway, I should make a friend," Kacy said.
Kacy went out of her house and went down the street, looking for somebody who could be her friend.  She saw a lot of girls her age playing basketball.  Kacy wanted to play with them, but she didn't know how to play basketball.  She decided to ask anyway.
"Girls, may I play with you?" Kacy asked.
The oldest girl turned around to look at her.
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