The Purr Pages

Page 4
Bernie's New Pad

Bernie in box
Bernie helping us unpack @ 17 months

Bernie wasn't too sure of his new abode for the first couple days, but he soon adapted. He now has his very own cat tree, and about twice as many windows to look out of. He's found it's pretty cool to run from the back bedroom, through the family room, down the hall, jump on the back of the sofa in the living room, then leap onto his cat tree by the front window!

Although Bernie doesn't have the neighbor dogs to taunt anymore*g*, he now has finches, doves, blue jays and even a squirrel to watch out my bedroom window at the bird feeder. Other times, Bernie will sit in the kitchen window waiting for hummingbirds to come to their feeder in the patio....

Bernie on dresserBernie in tub
Bernie @ 17 months and 19 months

Bernie button
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