Cat Info Page

Feline Information & Links

Victorian tabbies

Kitty Litter; Twisty Kats; Cat Health; Cat Trees; Declawing;
Cat Bulletin Boards; Spay/Neuter Support.

Kitty Litter

We weren't sure what sort of litter to use when Bernie joined our family. When we found that there are now environmentally friendly litters, I knew that's what I wanted to buy. Luckily, Bernie likes it too! Below are links to websites of some natural and/or environmentally friendly litters that I've found on-line. There are also a few I haven't been able to find on-line, such as "Cats Pride" recycled paper litter....

**Grain, Plant & Paper Litters**
SWheat ScoopClump N' FlushYesterday's News
FieldfreshDr. Kenaf's LitterBest Breed
PaPurrCountry Cat
Organic Litter
Heartland Wheat

**Wood-Base Litters**
Feline PinePine FreshLuv My Kitty
Precious Cat

cats have rights

May disturb sensitive cat lovers! The following links pertain to
stopping the intentional breeding of deformed/disfigured cats.
"Twisty Kat" Awareness
S*Zygot's Protest List

cat in bed

Cat Health

Links to feline health issues=^..^=

Jeff & Diane's Cathouse
Lisaviolet's Health Links
Frasier's Health Links
Tally's Page
Noofies' Zoo~Cat-a-Tonic
Cats & Nutrition
Toxic & Safe Plants
UCDavis Toxic/Safe Plants

safe inside

Keep Your Cat Indoors
Frasier's 'Indoor vs Outdoor'
Keeping Your Cats Indoors

cat treecat treeCat Trees

Inside kitties need trees to climb too:)

Cats are natural climbers and like to seek out high spots to survey their domain. Do your kitties scale your bookcase, entertainment center, china cabinet, or refrigerator? Why not buy your kitties' their very own furniture? Cat trees are designed just for cats to safely climb; scratch; take naps; hide from unwelcome guests; keep an eye on their household below; or to just watch the outdoors.
As you'll find below, cat furniture comes in many prices and designs/shapes/sizes/colors/ect to fit any budget or decor.

Pendleton Cat Furniture
Cat Trees Unlimited
Interwood Corp.
Angelical Cat Co.
North American Pet

save a paw

In my opinion, declawing should only be considered as a very last resort
before euthanasia in severe aggression cases; or to save cats' lives when extensively injured
in fires or other disasters.

The simplest solution to control clawing is to trim your cat's claws about once a week. Cat claw scissors are very inexpensive (about $5), and may also list for use on rabbits and birds.
With fiesty kitties, you may need a second person to assist you trim claws. You can also wrap kitty in a towel.
Simply hold a paw in one hand; gently press so that a claw comes out of its sheath; then carefully trim only the curved tip of the claw. Repeat process with each toe.
It is also essential that you provide your kitty with a scratching post. Clawing is a normal behavior for cats. It provides exercise for muscles, puts their scent on their "territory", and helps remove dead layers as their claws grow.

Personally, I would never even consider declawing a cat of mine. I began trimming my Bernie's claws at 8 weeks of age because he had one front claw that was very long. His little nose was getting awfully scratched up when he'd try to wash his face:( I had to do something, so I bought claw scissors at a pet store. After getting some pointers on the Acme bb, I've been trimming his claws myself ever since. Bernie has a carpeted scratching post, and loves one of our living room chairs. We love Bernie but have no emotional bond with our furniture, so we don't mind!

Other Alternatives & Information
Soft Paws
Educate!!Don't Amputate!!(tm)
Frasier's 'About Declawing'

Acme cat bb

Cat Bulletin Boards

Acme Cats Window BB
Cyberpet Feline BB
Animal Design Studio BB

If you're not part of the solution,
you're part of the problem.

Lisaviolet's Spay/Neuter Page
Frasier's 'Why Spay/Neuter'
Tally's Special Concerns
"Stamp Out" Pet Overpopulation
"Stick It To Em" Spay/Neuter


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