The Purr Pages

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Samantha & Blackie


Cats are a mysterious kind of folk.
There is more passing in their minds
than we are aware of.
* * * * * * * *
Sir Walter Scott

grkit blkit brkit


Samantha was a young (5-6 months?) stray who adopted us. We brought her into our family and had her spayed. Sammie was a silver-grey & white mackeral tabby with the cutest lil' pink nose, and the absolute softest fur I've ever felt. She also had a very pretty, feminine face:) Samantha was a rather big girl, at about 18-20 pounds.
As a child, I'd give her melted ice cream on her appointed birthday (April 1st). Other people food she liked were mashed potatoes and green peas, but only if you fed them to her by hand! Sammie wouldn't have anything to do with the salmon my dad caught up in Alaska though, she tried to bury it!
Samantha was not a lap cat, but she enjoyed other means of affection including chin scratches. The only time she ever tried to scratch us was when she'd get over stimulated by being brushed.
Sammie was about 5 years old when Kodi & Kyle came into our family. She definately kept them in line and let them know she was boss. She never hurt the pups though! She'd just swat at them (no claws out) if they got overly-friendly to her, and once in a while she'd swat at their rumps as they walked by just to keep them in tow.
Where I grew up, our next-door neighbors had an older, neutered silver marble tabby named Kitty. Kitty had chosen to be an inside cat after being chased by a dog, while Samantha was inside/outside *yes, we know better now*. Samantha would go next door and "visit" her buddy. They would just sit (or lay down) for hours, contentedly watching each other through the screen door. We don't know if they thought they were looking in a mirror or what, but it was very sweet:)
Why Samantha? My brother and I named her after Elizabeth Montgomery's character on the tv show Bewitched.

samanthasammie in bed


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Although spayed, Samantha had a habit of bringing home young, black, male cats. One such cat won our hearts. He was a tuxedo cat and about 5 months old. We fed him and, when it appeared he was no one's kitty, let him into our family and had him neutered. He was a very gentle, affectionate cat; and he also knew that Samantha reigned over him. He was only about 1/2 the size of Sammie, probably 7 pounds or so. They were a rather odd pair! Blackie's place was the left end of our sofa, if someone sat there, he would come up and claw the end of the couch til they moved! Unfortunately, after about 5 months, Blackie went out one evening for his "bedtime potty" and never came home. Sammie never brought any friends home after Blackie....
In the short time Blackie shared our lives, one of my fondest memories is of him being my constant companion when sick. I remember the winter he was with us, I was bedridden and slept on the hide-a-bed in our livingroom. He stayed cuddled up by me almost constantly, such a sweet kitty.
I wish we had more photos of him....
Why Blackie? He was mostly black! I know, not very creative....



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